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Nudity in a sentence

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Sentence count:64+2Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: nakednessnudenessSimilar words: auditeruditeauditorplauditplauditsauditoryauditionauditoriumMeaning: ['nuːdətɪ /'njuːd-]  n. the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind. 
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31) Its many frank references to nudity and sexuality offended nineteenth - century notions of decency.
32) Nudity and topless bathing are still taboo in the poor Balkan country.
33) Public nudity, or semi-nudity is hardly a novel occurance in the country. Protestors, like these peasants marching for land rights, are a common sight.
34) On the appointed day, flanked by two fully clothed horsewomen, she rode naked through the market, straight in her saddle, with a composed expression, unashamed of her nudity.
35) Perhaps the trick to enjoying nudism is being able to separate nudity from sexuality. And being away from other people.
36) Yet Japan is, after all, a country of public nudity in baths.
37) Ferial, kusama restraint and quiet, young Oriental female faces in New York city art is very fresh, But in performance, she crazily, completely release even nudity.
38) San Francisco generally allows public nudity, but a city supervisor has proposed regulating the practice.
39) Why are people appreciate nudity in art when the associate?
40) It has drafted a law that would ban public nudity, subjecting offenders to a $160 fine.
41) Steep mountains above the snow line, ya shi nudity, perennial snow cover, climate and volatile.
42) Larissa Riquelme, a gorgeous lingerie model who promised to run naked through the streets of Asuncion if Paraguay won the World Cup, saw her nudity pledge end in heartbreak on Saturday.
43) And, quite honestly, look at all the nudity in the movies and on cable TV—is Tell Me You Love Me any less pornographic because it has a plot line?
44) They are deeply uneasy about nudity, even among close friends.
45) In the "naturist quarter" of this Mediterranean resort town, nudity is legal not only on the beach but also in banks, restaurants and shops.
46) DOLLY: No, you are right. But nudity does not bother me.
47) They suffer everything from accidental drug consumption and embarrassing public nudity to a brawling session with a midget, and more.
48) But can an experiment in nudity help us understand why we are so embarrassed by being seen in the buff and help shed our inhibitions?
49) Interesting how we have become more tolerant of most things, public nudity seems to have gone the other way!
50) B - movies are low budget movies with lots of nudity and blood.
51) Strictly forbids posting of - age sex,( nudity and bestiality related topics.
52) It's basically to dissemble the idea that nudity equates to pornography and nudity equates to sexuality.
53) First instance of nudity in a Cannes film: Ulla Jacobson in She Danced Only One Summer.
54) Sues Playgirl over plans to publish pictures, including full frontal nudity, of himself.
55) What I've been opposed to is nudity for box - office draw.
56) She was still unclothed, but nudity had long been accepted in classical Russian art.
57) Vermont has laws against 'lewd and lascivious conduct, ' but doesn't prohibit public nudity.
58) Rated R for strong sexual content,[] graphic nudity and language.
59) But they couldn't have prepared her for the question posed to her in the competition: "Nude beaches are common in some parts of the world. Is public nudity appropriate or inappropriate and why?"
60) Strictly forbids posting of under - age sex, nudity and bestiality related topics.
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