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Nitric in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+1Posted:2017-06-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nitrogenvitriolnitrogen cyclevitriolicnitrogen fixationtrinityunit pricetrickMeaning: ['naɪtrɪk]  adj. of or containing nitrogen. 
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121. Objective:To investigate relationship between the distribution and content change of endotheliotoxin(ET) and nitric oxide synthetic acid (NOS)in human gingiva tissue and periodontal diseases.
122. The changes of plasma and cerebral cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cyclic guanosine monophosphate and nitric oxide were observed.
123. Nitric oxide (NO) Containing in hu manis expiratory gas is the important messenger and effector in the organism.
124. Nitric oxide synthase might play an important role in the oncogenesis and development of choriocarcinoma .
125. Black stripes after dip in nitric acid Conversion coating is dull.
126. Objective : To investigate the role of carbon monoxide ( CO ) and nitric oxide ( NO ) in the pathogenesis of neonatal hypoxic - ischemic encephalopathy ( HIE ).
127. Nitric oxide ( NO ) is a new class of retinal neurotransmitter discovered late years.
128. Phenols and anilides can be nitrated with very dilute nitric acid.
129. The macro-kinetics characteristics of decomposition of witherite with nitric acid in a batch reactor are studied.
130. The carbon fiber-reinforced Polylactide (C/PLA) was prepared for bone fracture fixation,[] and the carbon fiber was treated by surface soakage with concentrated nitric acid.
131. In addition, ASN activated striatal cytosolic nitric oxide synthase (NOS) by 20%.
132. Objective:The study was performed to evaluate the effect of ischemic preconditioning on the coronary reactive hyperemic response and further exploit the role of nitric oxide (NO)in the process.
133. Corrosion resistance experiment: salt water spray experiment, experiment, sulphur dioxide experiment, nitric acid hydrogen sulphide experiment, etc.
134. The ore sample was dissolved in nitric acid. After enrichment and separation with Xanthic ester cotton, the silver was determined by thiocyanometry.
135. Objective: To study the activities of nitric oxide synthase(NOS) in the liver, intestine and intestinal mucosa under experimental enterogenous endotoxemia(EE) in rats.
136. The results indicate that the sleep- suppressive effects induced by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase may be mediated via the activition of 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus.
137. Objective To study the change of nitric oxide (NO), acrosome enzyme (ACE), hyaluronidase (HYD) and acid phosphatase (ACP) in human semen.
138. The SERS spectra of a series of cyanine dyes in silver sol and ad- sorbed on silver or copper film etched by nitric acid are reported and compared.
139. Bland The land can also release nitric nitrous oxide are heat trapping , a heat - trapping gas.
140. Nitric acid: Inorganic compound, colourless, fuming, highly corrosive liquid, chemical formula HNO 3.
141. Conclusion Ectogenetic nitric oxide can inhibit the proliferation of NSC from mouse in vitro.
142. Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide is shown to correlate with airway inflammation for identifying asthma.
143. But The land can also release nitric outside by hit trapping nitrous oxide, a heat - gas.
144. Objective To investigate the effect of electroacupuncture on nitric oxide and cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels in penile tissues of rats with depression.
145. Methods:The model of gastric mucosal injury in rats was induced by ethanol, and the activity of nitric oxide synthetase(NOS) and contents of ET in gastric mucosa was measured.
146. The decalcifying time could be shortened obviously by microwave at low temperature and nitric acid.
147. Objective: To observe the distribution of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) nerves in the artery of the sino-atrial node in guinea-pig.
148. Objective:To investigate the effect of inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor aminoguanidine on transplanted pancreas in rats.
149. Nitric oxide is a gas found in red blood cells.
150. In addition, levels of nitric oxide (NO) and prostacyclin (PGl2) were measured in the DLC group and blank control group in order to evaluate their activities.
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