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Nick in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+9Posted:2017-05-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cutdashindentationnotchSimilar words: nickelpanickyfinickysnickerpanickednicknamepernicketyknickknackMeaning: [nɪk]  n. 1. an impression in a surface (as made by a blow) 2. (British slang) a prison 3. a small cut. v. 1. cut slightly, with a razor 2. cut a nick into 3. divide or reset the tail muscles of 4. mate successfully; of livestock. 
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151. This Peeping Tom has put his eye to the nick or cranny in our walls and peers shamelessly in.
152. She dragged Nick into the line of waiting children and stood, eyes on the ground, hardly daring to breathe.
153. Nick Frazer was locking up the shop when she came along at one.
154. Those doughty editorial professionals at the Star have once again helped us avert a foolish mistake just in the nick of time!
155. She was still in the dark coat and dress she had selected for the Jockey Club hearing and Nick was in pinstripes.
156. The waiter at Le Coq d'Or asked Nick Thornton whether his guests should have small or large brandies.
157. I think what happened was that Nick had been hanging around waiting to get hold of her.
158. Go to a crack house, Nick, and you can buy anything you want in the way of human flesh.
159. On many farms, there's still plenty of scope in the variable costs, believes Aubourn Farming agronomist Nick Bleach.
160. Nick was just as comfortable on the back as the front nine.
161. In the nick of time, they discovered her in a state of hapless stage fright.
162. Nick Nolte plays the president-to-be, with Greta Scacchi as his romantic interest.
163. She began to swim with her nervy, graceless stroke and Nick watched her sympathetically.
164. Lawrence took his three singles in style, his 8,18 success against Nick Duce being particularly notable.
165. Recession is biting at Softwright Systems, but Nick Durrant has no time to brood over it.
166. Graeme Sharp scored their first, sneaking round the back to meet Nick Henry's diagonal ball with a thumping right-foot volley.
167. Nick spotted it by the sudden flash of light on its chassis, then put it from his mind.
168. Specifically the money has been used to appoint a Project Officer, Nick Lewer.
169. Nick, the ever-ready surveyor, whipped out his loaded camera and reeled off a few shots of the thief.
170. The man had picked up the ball, and peered down at Nick through dark-rimmed, bleary eyes.
171. Nick Faldo may be a better player, but Ballesteros is a better golfer.
171. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
172. They'd nick you for lifting the wallet, and me as well probably, for helping you.
173. But better in the nick of time than not at all.
174. As training drew to a close, a delicious smile suddenly appeared on Nick Mallett's face.
175. Nick and Clem will have invited half the world and his wife, anyway.
176. Against all the rules of the competition, Nick was scheming to win.
177. When Nick proposed an improved way of setting the masts in place, Mr Ching balked at the suggestion.
178. Nick and I laid out tow ropes to the bow of the raft, and cajoled bystanders to lend a hand.
179. Nick met Rachel at a disco when she was 17 years old.
180. Nick poked his head up from the blanket and looked around.
More similar words: nickelpanickyfinickysnickerpanickednicknamepernicketyknickknackknick-knackpersnicketyin the nick of timeknickerbockersnicepunicsonicnicherunicpaniccynictunicticksickkicklickwickdickpickbionicsceniciconic
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