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Misfortune in a sentence

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Sentence count:188+9Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accidentcalamitycatastrophedifficultydisasterdistresshardshipmishapruintragedytroubleAntonym: fortuneSimilar words: fortuneopportuneimportuneinopportunefortune cookiefortunatefortunatelyunfortunateMeaning: [mɪs'fɔrtʃən /-'fɔː-]  n. 1. unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event 2. an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes. 
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121, Barrenness was, therefore, considered as the greatest misfortune.
122, She was sorrowing at her misfortune.
123, To a few rashness brings luck, to most misfortune.
124, No misfortune can be as great as the loss of time.
125, Pity is occasioned by undeserved misfortune and fear by the suffering of one like ourselves.
126, Busst, whose right leg was shattered in a goalmouth incident at Old Trafford, was watching the FA Cup tie on television and Smith's injury brought back unpleasant memories of his own misfortune.
127, "Well, " returned Morrel, "it is a cruel thing to be forced to say, but, already used to misfortune, I must habituate myself to shame.
128, An appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune befall someone or something.
129, He was provokingly delayed, by one misfortune after another, but at last got his expedition under way at the end of the year 1681.
130, The blundering missioner doing communication like above will certainly bring misfortune to himself as well.
131, It'seemed to him that the house was full of leering eyes glorying in his misfortune.
132, There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time.
133, In olden times, jiao zi were thought to scare away evil spirits, misfortune and disease.
134, The ancients thought that dog can avoid suffering a misfortune except omening good or ill luck.
135, I will no longer chew the cud of misfortune that Fate ekes out to us.
136, I come now relation of a misfortune which about this time befell Mrs John Dashwood.
137, I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer.
138, He has come hundreds of miles to succor him, when he heard of his friend's misfortune!
138, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
139, His creation starts from the misfortune experience of women. He takes women and sexual relation as his special aesthetics view in which he comprehends society and history.
140, " Well , M. Morrel,' said Danglars, " you have heard of the misfortune that has befallen us? "
141, Nevertheless, the queasy situation of American capital market, let these plans give birth to a misfortune.
142, Paris was the son of King Priam of Troy, but he had been ordered to leave the city because of a prophecy that someday he would bring misfortune to his country and its people.
143, To predict good or bad luck; fortune or misfortune by studying omen, dreams and divinatory symbols is one of primitive cultural characteristics embodied in Gesar.
144, Children sweeten labors ; but they make misfortune more bitter.
145, It refers to the embodiment of people"s resistance and transcendency when faced with the inevitable occurrence of misfortune, suffering and destruction."
146, This, my friends, is called a "wet burp"; an explosive near-vomit experience guaranteed to gross out anyone who has the misfortune to be floating around with you.
147, This is the misfortune of children of course, it is when curiosity is the most exuberant, can dispel doubts to them without interesting scientific knowledge chrestomathy answer doubt.
148, Dinner was over; nevertheless, as my misfortune was hardly my fault, I did not expect condign punishment, especially as the dispenser was a woman.
149, Anor hoped to strike back at Overlord Shimrra in revenge for his misfortune.
150, Hard luck and misfortune had followed Horace all his life.
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