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Mess in a sentence

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Sentence count:168+30Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: contaminatecorruptdirtydisfigurepolluteSimilar words: Messrsat timesdomesticsometimesat all timesat other timesessaylessMeaning: [mes]  n. 1. a state of confusion and disorderliness 2. informal terms for a difficult situation 3. soft semiliquid food 4. a meal eaten in a mess hall by service personnel 5. a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax 6. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent. v. 1. eat in a mess hall 2. make a mess of or create disorder in. 
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31. We'll get out of this mess one way or another.
32. This kitchen's a mess!
33. ' What a mess!' she said, surveying the scene after the party.
34. The previous occupants had left the house in a terrible mess.
35. His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed of her.
36. I'm sorry to drag you into this mess.
37. She's making a dreadful mess of things.
38. Don't mess up my hair: I've just combed it.
39. This mess is a reflection on her competence.
40. Look at this mess! Mum will go mad!
41. This is a nice mess you've got us into!
42. She'll do her nut when she sees the mess.
43. A nice/fine mess you've made of that!
44. Look what a mess you've made of your life.
45. It's all a bit of a mess.
46. You've got yourself into a lovely mess(, haven't you?
47. Please disregard the mess and sit right here.
48. Who's going to clean up this mess?
49. You've got yourself into a pretty mess now!
50. Her hair was a frightful mess.
51. Clear up the mess in here before you go.
52. Ranieri returned, saw the mess, and hit the roof.
53. I've got myself into a proper mess!
54. The company's finances are in a mess.
55. That will mess up the whole analysis.
56. This is a fine mess we're in!
57. Jesus, just look what a mess they've made!
58. His house is a right mess.
59. You've made a terrible mess of this job.
60. This is a fine mess you've landed us in!
More similar words: Messrsat timesdomesticsometimesat all timesat other timesessaylesspressblessassessstressvesselaccessdress upimpresspress foractressfitnessessenceconfessdessertsessionprocessaddresswitnessdistressmuch lessbusinesshomeless
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