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Loosely in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+9Posted:2017-03-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: broadlybroadly speakinggenerallyslacklySimilar words: looseloosenat a loose endcloselymoroselyproselytizenoosegooseMeaning: adv. 1. in a relaxed manner; not rigid 2. in a loose manner 3. without regard to specific details or exceptions 4. knitted in a loose manner. 
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61. He stepped aside and the auburn-haired girl strode forward into the empty road carrying the roses loosely in her arm.
62. Elsewhere, however, the democratic test has been more loosely applied.
63. The decor is an eclectic mix of items loosely associated with fishing and writing.
64. Cover loosely and keep in a warm place for about 4 hours.
65. Chrissy suggested that they might loosely stay in touch and swap ideas.
66. I shook it loosely and quickly and threw the dice.
67. Once the plants are laid in the trench, turn the next spit of earth loosely over the
68. The excavator also recovered a blue shawl of loosely spaced plain weave with red stripes.
69. A significant feature of this narrative as a whole is the division between what might be loosely termed descriptive and actional frames.
70. As the ground drifted up he saw the barbarian standing stock still, chest heaving, arms hanging loosely by his sides.
71. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and microwave on 100 percent power for 90 seconds to soften.
72. The most useful form of illustration would have been sets of drawings on papyri or thin wood tablets, loosely bound together.
73. The cowrie concentrates its secretion along the sides of the mantle, forming a shell like a loosely clenched fist.
74. It featured a series of comedy skits and a half-dozen songs, all loosely recounting the colonial experience.
75. She held Janir in her arms, but loosely, like a sack of wheat about to be spilled.
76. He stood very still, his arms hanging loosely, his feet apart.
77. Leave blisters alone, just loosely cover everything with a clean dry cloth and call the doctor.
78. A Cool Yule! does have a loosely structured N el story.
79. An informal organisation, in contrast, is loosely structured, flexible and spontaneous.
80. The battens should be screwed loosely into position and then checked to see if they present a flat vertical surface.
81. The weapon in Mr Cottle's hand had become a long, loosely coiled spring, lit from within as though by moonlight.
82. Her face was haggard, her eyes red, her clothes hung loosely about her.
83. No environment has proved so fertile a ground for such phenomena as what is loosely termed commercial women's fiction.
84. The artificial intelligence community sometimes uses terminology a bit loosely.
85. He stood for a moment, gun held loosely at waist level, trying to get his bearings.
86. Now her arms rested loosely on his bare shoulders, skin against skin.
87. Lockstitch is used to loosely hold linings to curtains and is like a long loose blanket stitch.
88. She slid her arms into her silk robe and tied it loosely at the waist.
89. He was a loosely articulated dummy with a roughly carved face.
90. Cover loosely and keep in a warm place for about 4 hours. Skim off any foam.
More similar words: looseloosenat a loose endcloselymoroselyproselytizenoosegoosemoosechoosewiselyfalselyunwiselyhoarselyprofuselyblood vesselpreciselyconverselyboostroosterboosterlooplookloomself-sellgloomalooflooksbloom
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