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Loosely in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+9Posted:2017-03-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: broadlybroadly speakinggenerallyslacklySimilar words: looseloosenat a loose endcloselymoroselyproselytizenoosegooseMeaning: adv. 1. in a relaxed manner; not rigid 2. in a loose manner 3. without regard to specific details or exceptions 4. knitted in a loose manner. 
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31. The parcel had only been loosely wrapped, and the paper had come off.
32. As Communists they followed the party line only loosely.
33. One of his arms wraps loosely around my neck.
34. They hung on him loosely, like a tattered dress.
35. His walk was nicely balanced, arms swinging loosely.
36. They are loosely termed I-Control, I-Pursue, I-Explore and I-Preserve.
37. Hang it up in a wardrobe, lay it flat on a spare bed or roll it very loosely.
37. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
38. In systems connected loosely, such as ecosystems, economic systems, and cultural systems, a less structured adaptation takes place.
39. I have a problem with people who take the Constitution loosely and the Bible literally. Bill Maher 
40. Using loosely coupled multiprocessing imposes a few limitations, both on programmers and hardware.
41. Dietary fibre can be loosely defined as the cell-wall material of plants.
42. However, he still managed to keep the weapon pointing loosely in his direction.
43. The effect of short spacing on infant mortality seems to be loosely associated with the overall level of infant mortality.
44. Rocket engineers speak loosely of thermal energy being converted into kinetic energy in the engine bell.
45. We gave her salt tablets and two of her own pills; her head wobbled loosely as she swallowed.
46. Yet these painted colours refer only rather loosely to the ten colour-terms listed in the text.
47. And her diary reveals claims that her request for a purely platonic friendship had been loosely interpreted by Gerald.
48. According to others it was more properly a generic term used loosely to cover a wide assortment of observable cutaneous conditions.
49. Following an interval of mourning for Caesar, Octavian adopted an image loosely based on that of earlier Hellenistic kings.
50. The court said the government interpreted the federal law so loosely that it usurped Congress' authority.
51. She was dressed in a long white robe of finely pleated linen, which was belted loosely at the waist.
52. Conversely a loosely woven fabric would not be successful for a Roman blind, which requires a firm, stable fabric.
53. Cover loosely with foil. Turn off the oven and place the platter in the oven, with the door open.
54. In most cases, general psychological theories have been loosely related to politically relevant behavior.
55. Their clothes hung loosely on their frames, drab coats and washed-out dresses covered with a film of dust.
56. It is advisable to leave the bucket loosely covered and not to skim off the yeast head.
57. Her arm tightened around him, her other hand resting loosely on the shoulders of another singer.
58. The component systems of a complex system were loosely coupled, the component parts relatively autonomous.
59. Most can for simplicity sake be loosely classified as one of three types: fantasy goals, long-term goals and short-term goals.
60. The term "empire' is often loosely applied to a federation of states.
More similar words: looseloosenat a loose endcloselymoroselyproselytizenoosegoosemoosechoosewiselyfalselyunwiselyhoarselyprofuselyblood vesselpreciselyconverselyboostroosterboosterlooplookloomself-sellgloomalooflooksbloom
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