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Lipid in a sentence

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Sentence count:251Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hyperlipidemiainsipidskip itpipinggripingdip intorip intoincipientMeaning: n. an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents; essential structural component of living cells (along with proteins and carbohydrates). 
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181) RESULTS & CONCLUSION: Lipid - lowering drugs mainly include stating, fibrates, nicotinic acid and bile acid sequestrants.
182) This method involves purified glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins which can spontaneously incorporate their lipid tail into cell membranes.
183) Experiments in vitro have shown that emulsion of complex OENOTHERA BIENNIS OlL has inhibitory action on the formation of lipid peroxidate in liver pulp of rats.
183) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
184) Cholestatic disorders cause elevated cholesterol and lipid levels, thereby leading to xanthoma formation.
185) Pathologic study: hyperplastic fibrous tissue in pelvic cavity, Hyperplastic capillary vessel in lipid tissue.
186) SOFINA's researchers find out the intercellular lipid, the moist ingredient existing in the horny layer.
187) Lipid emulsions composed of triacylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine, which are commonly used for parenteral nutrition, have been widely investigated as drug carriers in recent years.
188) Several kinds of lipid - lowering agents have been used to alleviate the hyperlipidemia.
189) Surfactant is the name given to the lipid secretions that lie in the alveoli.
190) It also discusses adsorption process influencing on property of lipid.
191) The experiment aims to observe the anti-obesity, Lipid regulation and anti-oxidation effect of Biomacromolecule from Indigotica Fort on the high fat diet and discuss the mechanism of the activity.
192) Animals lacking both PRG-1 and the LPA receptor didn't have epilepsy either, more evidence that PRG-1 acts via the lipid signal.
193) Methods Gel filtration chromatography and cadmium-injured Wistar rats were used to observe the action of nonprotein bound cadmium and total cadmium in renal lipid peroxidation.
194) Should we screen asymptomatic individuals for coronary artery disease or implement universal lipid - lowering therapy?
195) Objective To explore the effects of fresh spring water on lipid peroxidation (LPO)and superoxide dismutase (SOD)of silicotic rats.
196) Objective : To study the influence of blackcurrant seed oil on serum lipid level in hyperlipidemia rats.
197) Objective : To discuss the relation of lipid peroxidation to muscle injury caused by static load.
198) Colesevelam therapy was associated with consistent reductions in fasting plasma glucose and fructosamine levels, glycemic-control response rate, and lipid control measures.
199) Changes in composition of erythrocyte membrane lipid in 28 the aged non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) were investigated.
200) Objective To prepare the kavaloaded lipid nanoparticles from Piper methysticum and study their stability.
201) CONCLUSION:Disturbance of spermatogenesis and damage of sertoli cell are the main morphological change of diabetic testis, lipid peroxidation and NO may be involved in it.
202) Objective To explore the the relationship between senescent erythrocyte deformability and lipid composition, spectrin content(SP) of erythrocyte membrane.
203) All the cortex cells contained abundant lysosomes, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticula, but the lipid droplets in different zone cells varied in number, size, shape and electron density.
204) The lipid peroxidation induced by free radicals is the essential reason for welsh onion seeds aging.
205) This is usually through a layer of plastic lipid super hydrophilic, such as Gum Arabic.
206) The embolic material included gelfoam, spring coil and lipid iodine combined with chemical medicine.
207) The findings provide a new way for the prevention and cure of diseases of lipid dysfunction such as hepar adiposum.
208) To study the effect of Auricularia polysaccharide on reducing blood lipid in this experiment.
209) The electron microscopy observation revealed that lipid deposition in the intima and subjacent media was marked in group B, but simvastatin improved these changes in group C.
210) For many doctors, retinopathy—microaneurysms, haemorrhages, "hard" lipid exudates, microinfarcts of the retinal nerve fibre layer (cotton wool spots)—is synonymous with diabetes.
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