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Isotope in a sentence

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Sentence count:166Posted:2017-05-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: go to prisonrisottoso to speakgo to piecesprotoplastprotoplasmotoscopepost-operativeMeaning: ['aɪsəʊtəʊp]  n. one of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons. 
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91. Conclusion It is not difficult to diagnose RT correctively. Cervico thoracic X ray film, radioactive isotope and CT checking can ensure the extent and character of the retrosternal part.
92. Element and isotope geochemistry of the lamprophyres veins in the Xikuangshan antimony ore deposits issystematically researched in this article, aiming at discussing genesis of lamprophyres.
93. After seven rounds of bacterium-based selection, the enrichment of each round was tested by isotope labeled ssDNA binding assay.
94. We use the rare isotope Beryllium-10, which develops in the land surface via cosmic radiation.
95. As isotope geochronology uses the elements of long half-life to determine the geological age, the half-life through out the period may be considered to be constant.
96. Some characteristics such as accumulation, transference of HTO in simulated marine ecosystem were studied with isotope tracer technique.
97. The thermal spring water has a light isotope composition in summer and a heavy isotope composition in winter.
98. The study on secondary isochron of anomalous lead is a very important problem in the common lead isotope geology.
99. The composition of gas and its isotope sampled from water, reservoir and hydrocarbon bearing inclusion can be used to research the solution and degasification process during geological time.
100. Nuclear Chemistry: radioactive chemicals, radiation chemistry, radiation chemistry, isotope chemistry, nuclear chemistry.
101. According to the isotope determination data of the primary sulfide from the vein and rock, it is suggested that the vein′s sulfur source is similar to granite porphyry and quartz diorite.
102. Relations between Britain and Russia nosedived after the 2006 murder of Alexander Litvinenko with polonium-210, a rare radioactive isotope, blamed by his associates on Russian agents.
103. Zhang Y. (2002) Isotope geochronology and the age of the earth.
104. This formation has a distinct binary structure and pronounced geomorphological features as well as isotope age data. It is in erosional unconformable contact with the underlying Zhiyu Formation.
105. Water isotope technique is an important method in the field of groundwater studies,( which can help to explain groundwater activity mechanism from macroscopy and microscopy.
106. The stable isotope of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are reinterpreted. The relationship between isotope constituent and paleoenvironment is understood.
107. An isotope log of water injection profile is affected by many factors, specially the string contamination.
108. Convolution operations are performed between the calculated relative isotope abundances and the mass spectral target peak shape functions to form calculated isotope peak cluster data.
109. Wang Xianbin. 1989. Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry of noble gas isotope. Beijing:Science Press, 112 (in Chinese.
110. Measured isotope peak cluster data in a mass spectral range is obtained for a given calibration standard.
111. A naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element.
112. The research on geochemical characteristics and isotope age suggests that the deposit belongs to a magma-metasomatic pegmatite type deposit related to Fufang and Huitong granitic mass in genesis.
113. There are several ways to separate excited from unexcited molecules, thus harvesting the desired isotope.
114. According to the isotope determination data of the primary sulfide from the vein.
115. Cracked gas in high-temperature causes methane carbon isotope to heavy.
116. Finally, the effects of reversible reaction to the isotope enrichment was investigated.
117. We also bring forward a new method to recognize the different biological source for C29 sterane predominance using organic carbon isotope.
118. Caesium - 137 is a radioactive isotope, formed mainly through nuclear fission.
119. This site is a useful starting point for identifying web-based geochemistry resources in all geochemical fields, e. g. volcanology , organic, mineralogy, isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry.
120. The isotope shifts, hyperfine structure, spontaneous emission branch ratio of the first excited level and Doppler width of the atom vapor beam were measured using laser induced fluorescence.
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