Similar words: go to prison, risotto, so to speak, go to pieces, protoplast, protoplasm, otoscope, post-operative. Meaning: ['aɪsəʊtəʊp] n. one of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons.
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61. Isotope of hydrogen, chemical symbol 2H or D, atomic number 1 (But atomic weight approximately 2).
62. The city's challenge, chiefly, is to dispose of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 30 years.
63. A radioactive transuranic element in the actinide series, artificially produced in trace amounts. Its longest-lived isotope is No255 with a half-life of3 minutes. Atomic number102.
64. "What it amounts to, " said Billings, "is that The Goose can convert any radioactive isotope into a stable one. It has developed the perfect defense against radiation sickness.
65. A radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number '0 and exceptionally intense gamma-ray activity, used in radiotherapy, metallurgy, and materials testing.
66. The metabolic kinetics of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and aromatic amino acids (AAA) in normal subjects and patients with severe viral hepatitis as studied with 4 stable isotope labeled tracers.
67. For example, by GIS thematic map and overlaying analysis every factor is visualized to administer to sample design of isotope investigation.
68. The heavy ion beam energy, as well as the charge stripping efficiency, was calculated by using the charge state stripping formula and empirical formula of stable isotope mass number .
69. The mechanism of oxygen isotope exchange between alkali feldspar and fluid is mainly dissolution reprecipitation.
70. Most of the time the fuel is uranium, artificially enriched so that 4 to 5 percent is the chain-reacting isotope uranium 235; virtually all the rest is uranium 238.
71. The stable carbon isotope composition in plant is a powerful tool for studying on carbon cycle, biogeochemistry and paleoenvironment.
72. The effect of parathion on the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid in Phaeodactylum tricornutum was studied with isotope tracing methods.
73. The lead isotope study shows that ores of the Mujiazhuang copper deposit and the host rocks contain very high radiogenic lead.
74. Provides isotope data for almost all known nuclides . From Berkeley Laboratory.
75. Then the stable carbon isotope composition of PAH series such as alkyl naphthalene and alkyl phenanthrene in crude oil samples of Tuha basin were determined on GC-IRMS.
75. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
76. "What it amounts to, " said Billings, "is that The Goose can convert any radioactive isotope into a stable one..."
77. Based on the characteristics of carbon isotope and components of gas in this field, it is believed that the gas is unlikely a mixture of biogas and the lower thermogenesis natural gas.
78. It is put forward an improvement method that a laser ion source and multilayer target combining with gas jet transport method can be used on on-line isotope separator.
79. Sulfur isotope studies demonstrate that sulfur was derived from the mantle, and oxygen isotope analyses reveal that the fluid of the deposit was a mixed source of magmatic water and atmospheric water.
80. Methods Through the methods of petrochemistry and Rb, Sr, O, S isotope geology and inclusion research.
81. The meteoric origin of geothermal water in study area is evidenced by its environmental isotope composition.
82. Isotope tracing technology was used on animal experiment since 1920 s.
83. The studies on constant element, trace element, PEE and lead isotope indicate that the subalkalic intrusive complex body is formed by deep crust-mantle migmatization.
84. Because experimental condition and analytic technique have been improved, "double spike" isotopic dating method of lead isotope and analyses calc.
85. Isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) are the two most usual methods for measuring the ratio of lead isotopes.
86. Using GC/C/MS online carbon isotope analytic technic, abundant imforma- tion about single molecular carbon isotope composition can be taken from micro-samples(chromatographical scale).
87. The research on isotope mass spectrometers in China since 1980 is reviewed.
88. In a fission reaction, the light particle (the free neutron) collides with the heavy particle (the uranium or plutonium isotope) which splits into two or three pieces.
89. Compared with common amino acids , the isotope - labeled amino acids have accordant structure and analogical property.
90. Isotope tracing and simulated ecosystem techniques were employed to study transfer, bioaccumulation and degradation of pirimicarb in aquatic ecosystem.
More similar words: go to prison, risotto, so to speak, go to pieces, protoplast, protoplasm, otoscope, post-operative, hope against hope, so that, besotted, esoteric, so much so that, top, atop, stop, topic, top up, top dog, nonstop, utopia, laptop, tip-top, topple, stop by, non-stop, topical, bus stop, autopsy, topping.