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Invest in a sentence

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Sentence count:217+18Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: empowerendowplaceprovidestakeventureAntonym: divestSimilar words: investorinvestmentinvestigateinvestigatorinvestigationdirect investmentinventinventionMeaning: [ɪn'vest]  v. 1. make an investment 2. give qualities or abilities to 3. furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors 4. provide with power and authority 5. place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position. 
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181. The whole consumer and retailing area can be a very exciting area to invest in.
182. But I've noticed that a certain amount of loot helps to invest even your most casual remarks with a certain significance.
183. Companies just don't invest enough -- short-term gain is all they think about.
184. He is set to front a new rescue package, with a mystery backer ready to invest a substantial sum.
185. But clearly, some speakers invest more effort in the communication process than others.
186. My financial advisor suggested we invest in convertible preferred stock.
187. Activist want the government to invest in low-impact eco-tourist facilities.
188. Patricof plans to invest further sums in Neill allowing it to make acquisitions on the Continent.
189. The power station plans to invest $ 150 million to increase its capacity over the next two years.
190. Rather, it would intervene where needed and invest in research and development and training[], he said.
191. Rather than wasting time on yesterday that is gone, it is better to invest your time in tomorrow that is not yet born. RVM 
192. Shareholders invest their capital in the firm, whilst employees invest their human capital.
193. Emap is to invest £4.4 million in launching and developing the new web business.
194. The Treasury is required to invest assets of those trust funds in government securities, which count against the debt limit.
195. Your accountant can be a perfect excuse for you not to invest in your friends' financially uncertain ventures.
196. Rothschild's Old Court International Reserves has the widest choice of currencies and it is easy to invest.
197. Invest in household industry and then clothing industry.
198. You might lose money to invest in the project.
199. Don't invest in a quant fund.
200. This paper proposes three kinds of switching costs:sunk cost, prospective invest[], opportunity cost and gives suggestions to manage switching costs.
201. For example, the company has developed more than 70 Islamic indexes to help individuals invest in accord with Islam's Shariah laws.
202. Large organizations have dedicated IT staff and can afford to invest in custom-built software.
203. Macket owners and the leaseholder should allot these regulation:Anyone can't break the rules if he wants to work or invest in retailing markets.
204. Voluntary schemes urging firms, intent on maintaining wafer-thin cost advantages in the Pearl River Delta, to invest in costly green technologies haven't proven popular so far.
205. Investors and Communist VIPs must invest into the Communist economic construction cause with their surplus money.
206. Fragrant greenheart SPA expounds the culture of modern SPA deeply, and employed the famous SPA invest and manage company of Thailand to design the completely pure Thai style.
207. These programs allow you to invest money tax-deferred, and many companies, as noted, provide a corporate matching program.
208. First, since it is hard to spot an absolute bottom, you should use 'dollar-cost averaging' to invest in broad-based , inexpensive index funds.
209. Officials in cities and provinces have created hundreds of municipally backed funds to invest in promising ventures.
210. You might first want to join the Marine Corps or some religious order so you can get control of yourself. It makes no sense to invest, make money and blow it .
More similar words: investorinvestmentinvestigateinvestigatorinvestigationdirect investmentinventinventioninventoryharvestinveteratevesselthemselvesconveyinvadein vaininvokeconvertinvolveenvelopeinvasioninvolvedin view ofconversionconventioninvitationconvenienceinvolvementconventionalconversation
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