Similar words: interrelated, interrupt, interrogate, interruption, interrogative, uninterrupted, interrogation, counterrevolutionary. Meaning: [ɪn'tɜr /ɪn'tɜː] adj. placed in a grave.
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31. The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.
32. Once we're interred in the camp there, we'll be meeting with Pintail...
33. The notice made the visitors more interred in his house.
34. The man who was died in that accident has been interred.
35. This machine uses sharp angle style opener, which is a new type of opener. It has the advantage of ditching narrow, good performance of interred, small working resistance, abrading endurance.
More similar words: interrelated, interrupt, interrogate, interruption, interrogative, uninterrupted, interrogation, counterrevolutionary, preferred, transferred, deterrent, deterrence, interpreter, terrestrial, extraterrestrial, intern, in terms, painter, wintery, intercom, interim, interact, intermit, interest, Internet, splinter, interval, Comintern, sprinter, internal.