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Innovate in a sentence

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Sentence count:92+1Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: changeintroducemodernizeSimilar words: innovativeinnovationrenovaterenovationnovasupernovain no wayin no timeMeaning: ['ɪnəʊveɪt]  v. bring something new to an environment. 
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61 None but we understand the traditional culture deeply, could we veritably innovate and develop the painting art of our country.
62 The spirit of Tonggang is to pragmatize innovate and pursrit of the best.
63 We will innovate in thought of human management and build leaning organization.
64 Among the various kinds of strategy, the most effective and necessitous strategy is to innovate the traditional teaching mode and cultivate new-style elite for society in the future.
65 Advocate spirit of opening and equalization, respect and encourage employees to innovate.
66 The research shows: making reformations on agricultural extension course system to innovate agricultural extension education is available.
67 On the basis of the study, to design, manage and innovate the marketing organization.
68 Regulating human rights in the constitution raises an urgent requirement to innovate present human rights protection mechanism.
69 The aegis of behalf of inferior dormant partner is stand out along with the development of community economy and the innovate of company system.
70 Accordingly, the gradual introduction of outside director and working staff director innovate the constitution of the directors board.
71 In the long term, growth in emerging economies will be contingent on their ability to innovate and shift away from an externally driven growth model to one fueled in part by local consumption.
72 Accounting hypothesis should adjust and innovate in order to adapt to these changes.
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73 It spurs rival firms to innovate since the prospective pay-off is greater.
74 Innovate but follow the Rotary rule, always with Integrity and honor.
75 Usufruct stem from Rome law, continent law department country inherit and innovate to this legislation.
76 You may specialize in on just one well-tried and tested food product; or you may innovate on a product that you created yourself and which has never been marketed before.
77 Teacher professionalism shall adopt traditional teacher wisdom and innovate in theory and system.
78 The auto reverse washing ultra-filtration structure is innovate, and got new pattern patent of national applicatory.
79 Apply and innovate the finance tools when withdrawing from the Venture Capital diversely.
80 However, such confrontation is not the only way to innovate. Archaism can become a means of innovation too.
81 To get more professional growth and the end-results to show it, I would need to find better ways to do things; I would need to innovate more.
82 It is all hands on deck from the CEO to the field Sales Professionals to learn, adapt, change and innovate.
83 It is a major task for petroleum enterprises to innovate system and methods of stock equity management.
84 Along with the booming development of construction in our country, it is a new mission for construction industry to innovate and introduce the scientific and advanced supervisor mode.
85 Thereby, the essential strategy to develop Chinese debenture market is to innovate the system,( accelerate the fluidity of Chinese debenture market and train rational debenture investors.
86 To bring about fairness of document use in the public library, we must strengthen the public spirit, build the sharing resources and innovate the service regulations.
87 He points out " , want to obtain enormous flow and shoppy progress to need to innovate."
88 That legal institution come into being, supply and innovate is a process of dynamic equilibrium with the optimum distribution of correlated institutional resources as its core.
89 Thus, it's necessary to sublate, innovate in it and turn it from two-dimensional to thee-dimensional.
90 Since the establishment of the company, we insist on the enterprise development paths of"specialization, technicalization, scale", with people first, innovate practically.
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