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Innovate in a sentence

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Sentence count:92+1Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: changeintroducemodernizeSimilar words: innovativeinnovationrenovaterenovationnovasupernovain no wayin no timeMeaning: ['ɪnəʊveɪt]  v. bring something new to an environment. 
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31 On the base of the comparative analysis, I try to interpret the influence of the legal rule'The method of paying litigation costs'on urging the legal cost system to innovate.
32 Company introduces scientific office procedure, innovate constantly, and make company radiate the flourishing life.
33 Contemporary Finnic hold wedding not only should innovate, have distinguishing feature, and the traditional custom that should reflect them more, resemble throwing away rice, cut bridal cake.
34 The article discusses how to introduce scientific and effective project management model for the survey and design bodies to optimize their organization model and innovate their management system.
35 The study's specific recommendations include federal incentives for American companies to innovate at home, ranging from research tax incentives to work force development tax credits.
36 They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to initiate.
37 Usually, the modular theory is used to study the tangible physical products, we need to innovate it for the China rail restructuring.
38 Innovate bulk grains unloading platform, build dedicated channel for bulk grains discharging car, which can improve the operation efficiency and lower the energy consumption.
39 Joining WTO will have deep effect on Chinese education. Therefore, TV University must resurvey itself and innovate in good time to remain invincible in future hot competition.
40 Users often innovate in communities of their own creation - no manufacturer required.
41 Number three, we're also trying to radically innovate and reinvent the category.
42 It can be seen from this article that how to innovate in Art design education.sentencedict .com
43 Kit is a good group of unrivaled international study, diligently explore, innovate, never satisfied companies.
44 Learning plays an important role during the course of impelling interrelated enterprises to innovate collectively.
45 The basic way to plan the urban and rural development as a whole is to reform the dual economy system institutionally and innovate systems, which should centre on the reform of hou...
46 D. Operation:Broadband operators and digital content operators, closely correlating with each other in value chains, vary in core competence, which may innovate and variegate business models.
47 In conclusion, Xu Guangqi's achievements lie in his efforts to summarize, test, popularize as well as innovate then Chinese traditional manure technology.
48 In other words, you have to provide (or innovate) tangible value without disclosing the specifics of the mastery.
49 The vitality of administrative system lies in opening and continuous innovation. To innovate has to follow the expediential policy with methodological significance.
50 The governments should innovate and develop discovery mechanism, expressing mechanism, selecting mechanism supplying channel and the cultivation mechanism of implementing the subject.
51 Tanghan's tenet is "Willing to innovate in techniques, aiming at perfection, and with honest service to our customers".
52 To innovate the methods of stat, to set up the financial yellow alert based on modern financial theory etc.
53 I feel to innovate should be every enterprise a some devoir , a DNA of this enterprise oneself innovates namely.
54 We will unceasingly exploit and innovate for our environmental protection.
55 The 30 years of the reform and open is the 30 years of the intra-country reform and open to hardly explore, innovate and bring up the refulgence.
56 In the discussion of judicial reform, how to innovate and perfect the procuratory system of Chinese character, which becomes one of the hot spots in the fields of the law and the judicial practice.
57 Additionally , to introduce competition, improve assess system, innovate teaching, limit game playing are other choices.
58 Zhu Min thinks, at present of China make did not take " riant curve " inside most profitable both ends: It is sale and service, innovate however.
59 Diligence belongs to these people, who cherish and treasure time, are a man with his feet on the ground and punctilious , remorseless and persistent, and who have courage to explore and innovate.
60 Artists develop the traditional and imprisoned culture vision, innovate positively, explore boundlessly , so that contemporary ink and wash painting exudes a broader periodic charm.
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