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Inmate in a sentence

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Sentence count:63Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: inhabitantoccupantresidenttenantSimilar words: mateclimateestimatematerialintimateteammateultimateestimatedMeaning: ['ɪnmeɪt]  n. 1. one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital) 2. a patient who is residing in the hospital where he is being treated 3. a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison. 
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1. He was attacked by a fellow inmate.
2. He learned this song as an inmate at a Texas prison.
3. A 34-year old inmate broke loose from the sheriff's office yesterday.
4. No inmate, however, was to be confined at night without being provided with a bed and other conveniences.
5. The gaunt young inmate fished his bowl out from under his cot.
6. Crippled by an inmate, he faces the rest of his life as an invalid.
7. One prison is being sued by a former inmate because staff wrongly calculated the time he had to serve.
8. Read in studio A prison inmate has taken a member of staff hostage in a cell.
9. If we find an inmate who is taking drugs we go through the disciplinary procedures.
10. He was to be placed with another inmate the next day[], but wound up in a cell by himself.
11. He would be the first California death row inmate to be executed by lethal injection.
12. In the following year, Priscilla C. an inmate, was taken ill with a strangulated hernia.
13. Another inmate apparently stabbed the Hispanic inmate on the recreation grounds at 12: 49 p. m. Monday.
14. He observed that the middle-aged inmate was the only one who was confident about eating in front of him.
15. Occasionally the inmate may manipulate the system, and the choice allows that.
16. It may also reflect the nature of the inmate population.
17. The inmate simply fills out a proxy form and mails it to the county clerk.
18. And loyalists claim a second inmate was blinded for 48 hours after riot squad prison officers turned high-powered hose on his face.
19. According to local folklore the contractor, who went bankrupt, was the first inmate detained for non payment of debts.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Florida has successfully used private capital in prison construction and operation, with a minimal state subsidy for each inmate.
21. The idleness and overcrowding led to rioting in four state prisons in 1985 that left an inmate dead.
22. A woman manager at Long Lartin top security prison has been suspended after reports that she had a relationship with an inmate.
23. They say the most likely way the keys were smuggled out was by a prison warder rather than an inmate to a visitor.
24. Surely Madame Chapote on her bicycle might well have been a vestige of her former identity as inmate.
25. Real Tennis is a high-class game even older than the Long Room's most ancient inmate.
26. Beto continued the policy but expanded the scope of inmate productivity to include building on a large scale.
27. The group protested against a possible reprieve for an inmate on death row in Texas.
28. Doctors, the suit claims, also supervise attachment of a heart monitor and might give the condemned inmate a sedative.
29. Craig and Johnson met the way practically anyone meets an inmate: They became pen pals.
30. John Shaw, the elected prisoners' chairman of D-wing tells John Earle, a life sentence inmate, what to expect.
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