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Impulse in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+14Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compulsionfancyflashinspirationnotionpressurepushthrusturgeSimilar words: pulsecampuscomputerelseor elseelsewherepullpull inMeaning: ['ɪmpʌls]  n. 1. an instinctive motive 2. a sudden desire 3. the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber 4. (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients) 5. the act of applying force suddenly 6. an impelling force or strength. 
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61. But I restrained the impulse, for it is as well to eke out such tokens of our goodwill as we possess.
62. But some last-minute impulse lowered her aim so that the blow caught him, hard but not painfully, on his chest.
63. The impulse to hit is curbed by hunching the shoulders.
64. The first diary entries were no doubt recorded on an impulse, in odd hours in his room in the shophouse.
65. This recognition of mortality and the requirement to transcend it is the first great impulse to mythology.
66. The problem is that this wrong-way impulse sets off a muscle contraction in each of those several hundred muscle fibers.
67. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent van Gogh 
68. My first impulse was to go straight to Henry and tell him my news, but on reflection I thought better of it.
69. On an impulse, he removed his cap and threw it on to the back seat.
70. His first impulse was to turn around and walk away, blank her out, pretend he hadn't even seen.
71. On impulse, she turned into the foyer and bought a ticket.
72. Rain fought back the impulse to grab her bag and check the contents, and then she was through to the Post.
73. The desire of men to claim their children thus emerged as the crucial impulse of civilized life.
74. The little black designer dress had been an impulse buy earlier in the year, and she'd never worn it.
75. She could picture her feelings and build bridges between different emotional ideas as a basis for reality testing and impulse control.
76. Only by restoring his muscle spasm had he been able to conquer the impulse to commit suicide.
77. Once the impulse is transmitted, the nerve segment recovers to its original state, ready for a new
78. A properly theological response can not treat suspicion merely as a positive or a negative impulse from outside the source of theology.
79. They will spend heavily on an acer, and the impulse proves an investment.
80. The same ultimate specific impulse therefore applies to all three types of system.
81. Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, a narrow channelling of impulse and energy. Aldous Huxley 
82. We all buy goods on impulse sometimes - simply because we saw them on the shelf of the shop.
83. The bill will prevent people from buying and using a gun on impulse.
84. I struggled with an impulse to cross the room, but I knew it would only make things worse.
85. This encouraged the natural impulse to whistle, and led in turn to the use of instrumental whistles emitting high-frequency sound.
86. But it was a vague idea, little more, Neville remembers, than an inchoate impulse.
87. They were businessmen and found it difficult to restrain their natural impulse to boosterism.
88. She fought against the sudden unexplainable impulse to tell him everything, to lighten the heavy burden of grieving alone.
89. Hazel and Fiver stared at each other, both fighting against the impulse to run.
90. The kitchen door stood open and on impulse she went in.
More similar words: pulsecampuscomputerelseor elseelsewherepullpull inpull onpull uppull offpull outsomething elsepull downsocial servicesimplyimpairimportimposeshrimpsimplyimpactglimpseimpresspopulationpopularitymanipulateimprovedpulchritudepull through
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