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Impoverishment in a sentence

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Sentence count:29Posted:2016-09-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: astonishmentestablishmentaccomplishmentaccomplishmentsrelinquishmentestablishment ofgovernmentpovertyMeaning: [ɪm'pɑvrɪʃmənt /-'pɒ-]  n. 1. the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions 2. the act of making someone poor. 
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1. Simpson is unlikely to face impoverishment, however.
2. What is inadmissible in Lukacs's eyes is any impoverishment of this historical complexity.
3. It cost me two years of impoverishment, spending every dime on legal fees.
4. Magically, impoverishment became a "special investment vehicle".
5. Therefore, the spiritual impoverishment is a more fearful social phenomenon.
6. The researchers suspect that stressful environments and cognitive impoverishment are to blame, since in animals, stress and environmental deprivation have been shown to affect the prefrontal cortex.
7. The impoverished population is shrinking substantially and the impoverishment rate is decreasing sharply.
8. It means another quarter of a century of impoverishment for the whole world.
9. This can trim down ignorance and impoverishment by fixing dilemmas of illiteracy and unemployment that are staring several nation states in the face.
10. "Last Man in Tower" depicts a genteel middle-class impoverishment of imagination and hope.
11. The selective reduction impoverishment of slag from copper smelting with addition of charcoal powder and stirring of inert gas is investigated by the aid of metallurgical analysis, SEM and EDX.
12. Their sickness and death contribute to the impoverishment of entire families.
13. Impoverishment is compounded by many elements, and can transmit to be a pernicious cycle.
14. With grain prices kept at an artificially high price thereafter, the further impoverishment of those already poor was the inevitable result.
15. We could conceivably escape disaster, but we seem destined, absent real change, for ecological impoverishment.
16. It is what Freud called in a memorable phrase, an impoverishment of the ego on a grand scale.
17. Does it therefore follow that an ageing population inevitably implies some impoverishment, if not among elderly, then among younger people?
18. Arrears are phenomenal in most authorities, a function of both the impoverishment of tenants and of their rebellion.
19. During World War II, the islands and people had been exploited by the Japanese Military to the point of impoverishment.
20. Basing a global civilisation on the empowerment of a few thousand and the impoverishment of six billion is like lodging depth charges in the planetary core.
21. The result could be a virtual genocide of much of the animal world and an irreversible impoverishment of our planet.
22. The apparent acquiescence of most voters in their own relative impoverishment turns out to reflect shifts in underlying political attitudes.
23. But in fact, a great many men will cheerfully face impoverishment if they can thereby secure complete ruin for their rivals.
24. Equally devastating, Mugabe has overseen the complete destruction and impoverishment of what had been one of Africa's economic success stories.
25. Reducing exclusion, extending universal benefits and protecting people from impoverishment are common elements of a growing number of national health policies.
26. The main thesis of Marx's great historical prognostication, the progressive impoverishment of the wage-earning masses, contradicts the main thesis of Marx's economic doctrine, the iron law of wages.
27. But such a world would at least let more children come closer to their mental potential, unconstrained by the mistakes or impoverishment of their parents.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. There is hope today because "many developing countries have succeeded in lifting millions of people out of impoverishment and despair.
29. Now stocks of octopus, lobsters, tuna and other fish in this part of the Atlantic are dangerously low, contributing to the impoverishment of local fishermen.
More similar words: astonishmentestablishmentaccomplishmentaccomplishmentsrelinquishmentestablishment ofgovernmentpovertygive rise toimplementexperimentmovementexperimentalimplementationover and overadvertisementimposeimportimportantIrishimportantlycommencementparishamendmentof importanceflourishimperialimperiousentertainmentsentiment
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