Antonym: patience. Similar words: patience, patient, compatible, science, audience, sapience, experience, compatibility. Meaning: [ɪm'peɪʃns] n. 1. a lack of patience; irritation with anything that causes delay 2. a restless desire for change and excitement 3. a dislike of anything that causes delay.
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(121) He was fretting with impatience.
(122) I share these writers' impatience with slack novelistic convention.
(123) Your long introduction has made me burn with impatience.
(124) The guardian is burning with impatience, delivers some Specialized hospital the baby, after the inspection discovery is the pneumococcal pneumonia.
(124) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(125) I inherit your resoluteness and diligence, also your impatience and roughness.
(126) A great wave of compassion had swept away his indifference and impatience.
(127) With an exclamation of impatience, but with his Unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out.
(128) As he reached deeper into the subject, Bethune went from impatience to exasperation.
(129) Whether it can deliver results fast enough to placate US impatience with China is another matter.
(130) His impatience with fools was legendary, and the amount of hagiography now being ladled onto his life with abandon would undoubtedly set his teeth on edge.
(131) Ase said with an impatience that made his mother blink.
(132) She began to show signs of impatience and snorted audibly.
(133) Some impatience was exhibited owing to the non - arrival of the speaker.
(134) Interestingly, Ma picks the good attributes of each animal: The speed of the rabbit but not the impatience and cockiness.
(135) The offer is seen as part of an effort to ease tension over U.S. military strikes recently on the Pakistan side of the border, and U.S. impatience with Pakistan's hesitance to fight insurgents.
(136) The Three Great Virtues of a Programmer: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.
(137) Impatience is growing after three days in which nothing has been achieved.
(138) Inevitably, impatience will also overwhelm whatever high-minded arguments we might make in favor of the well-being of future generations.
(139) She was in a fume of impatience because she had to wait for the others.
(140) A "chastened" Obama promised compromise, but he viewed the "shellacking" as voter impatience with process more than with policy.
(141) I make some impatience on the condition of heavy work and busy hour.
(142) The cab crawled along, and she was in an agony of impatience.
(143) He awaited each stroke with impatience and - he knew not why - apprehension.
(144) Guy Kawasaki said it's the art of concealing your impatience, while Titus Plautus concludes that it's the best remedy for every trouble.
(145) The United Nations negotiators may sometimes have shown undiplomatic impatience. But they kept the disillusioning talks in being and they made important concessions.
(146) Time preference: the degree to which people prefer to consume sooner rather than later; a gauge of people's impatience to receive enjoyments.
(147) Impatience is often a precursor to self-punishment, so stop way before the red light hits.
(148) Many people think of depression as feeling sad, but depression can also bring feelings of moodiness, impatience, anger, or even just not caring.
(149) Wenger's side move the ball very quickly so good judgment and timing are vital. It's very easy to mistime tackles against them and impatience could be disastrous.
(150) Nay, impatience kills the fool and indignation slays the simpleton.
More similar words: patience, patient, compatible, science, audience, sapience, experience, compatibility, experienced, conscience, impudence, convenience, science fiction, empathy, empathic, sympathy, impair, impact, impart, empathetic, empathize, sympathize, sympathetic, intelligence agency, impartial, impalpable, impairment, encompass, impartiality, efficiency.