Similar words: treaty, entreaty, treaty of versailles, come at, permeate, mincemeat, permeated, meatloaf. Meaning: ['miːtɪ] adj. 1. like or containing meat 2. being on topic and prompting thought.
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1. The short, meaty reports are those he likes best.
2. The lecture wasn't very meaty.
3. She has written some wonderfully meaty parts for older actresses.
4. He looked up and down the corridor, meaty hands resting on his thighs.
5. It's a red wine with an almost meaty character.
6. Meaty grilled shrimp, fragrant with garlic, finish the dish.
7. Thick, meaty texture, if a little dry.
8. The article was very meaty.
9. Pretty meaty stuff for an art history major who formerly knew squat about the squabble.
10. Incredibly, the whole meaty makeover was inspired by a course nodule that looked at public reactions to outrageous art.
11. It was a meaty role that, under other circumstances, he might have enjoyed.
12. We were looking for a good flavour and meaty texture.
13. There was nothing so fine as a good meaty portion of best blood sausage.
14. He had always provided the tabloids with meaty headlines because of his numerous girlfriends.
15. But like the classic wings(, they are meaty and juicy and perfect for snacking.
16. "Joan of Arc" was her first meaty role as an actress.
17. Monkfish has a very firm and meaty flesh, so it's easy to use for kebabs.
18. Earthy porcini mushrooms, tender and meaty, make the perfect accompaniment.
19. For that we can thank a succulent script, meaty characterisations and four central performances that will leave you begging for more.
20. These meaty ribs are briefly roasted, then slow-baked with a dark, spicy sauce.
21. Boning and muscle-boning of the sirloin gives meaty cuts with a variety of names that confuse the consumer.
22. Enough of vegetarianism ; let's have a meaty meal.
23. He was a large and meaty fellow.
24. Live food is the best diet for them although fresh or frozen meaty foods of small particle size can be substituted.
25. Feeling an itch under her waistband, Fourth Aunt reached down and plucked out something fat and meaty.
26. The pollack was equally good-crisp and crunchy on the outside, meaty and moist within.
27. When stocking a pool with fish, take care to select healthy individuals with firm, meaty bodies and erect dorsal fins.
28. He found himself walking at a steady pace towards those meaty shoulders.
29. I stroked his lovely velvety pelt and smelt his warm meaty breath.
30. The forequarter contains the rib section for tender roasts and the chuck, which is meaty but yields less tender cuts.
More similar words: treaty, entreaty, treaty of versailles, come at, permeate, mincemeat, permeated, meatloaf, make mincemeat of, beat a retreat, atypical, mean, meal, mealy, meant, smear, means, meager, meander, demean, meadow, meagre, come about, meaning, measure, measles, demeanor, the same as, come along, demeanour.