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Impatience in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+10Posted:2017-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: patienceSimilar words: patiencepatientcompatiblescienceaudiencesapienceexperiencecompatibilityMeaning: [ɪm'peɪʃns]  n. 1. a lack of patience; irritation with anything that causes delay 2. a restless desire for change and excitement 3. a dislike of anything that causes delay. 
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(91) It is a tribute to our impatience and boredom that we are already asking this question three months premature.
(92) She longed to please, Davide noticed with sympathy commingled with impatience.
(93) Impatience is justified if theory moves off into the stratosphere, so to speak.
(94) They show the greatest impatience, and even disgust, when they hear a ranting resolution-maker berating slavery.
(94) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(95) All that day Jezrael was in a fever of impatience for Ember to come back.
(96) It was the Lemarchand woman who would be hurting and probably fuming with impatience.
(97) The reined-in impatience which so often emanated from Ian was absent, Theodora's gravitas mitigated and Julia's social nervousness sedated.
(98) But Gordon answered that one, too, betraying only the slightest hint of impatience.
(99) But then the ship idled there for hours, in its own sea mist of impatience and anxiety.
(100) But this week, you should try to curb your impatience with those who are slack in their work.
(101) Impatience and frustration are growing among those who want to see the state uphold the death penalty law.
(102) He waited, showing neither anger nor impatience - nor any shadow of doubt.
(103) In the mornings my husband walked the endless corridors of oil power, hoping for patience to overcome impatience.
(104) The impatience of the genius with the follies of littler men gives thrust and venom to Swift's satirical output.
(105) When I look back over the years I see impatience as the great sin of life.
(106) It not only distorts the face but gives the impression of anger or impatience.
(107) Once more the inhabitants of the northern forests showed their impatience of these delays.
(108) The train hastened through the flat Thames Valley fields and flat Western suburbs with single-minded impatience.
(109) He never really understood the anger and impatience of black activists in the 1960s.
(110) Claudia tugged at his shirt[], sending buttons flying in her impatience to touch his magnificent body.
(111) He could only imagine the impatience of the thousands waiting in the late summer sun outside.
(112) The majority of rejected photographic claims are due to impatience - the photograph is taken before entering the zone.
(113) Americans in particular be prone to impatience.
(114) 'Enough!'said Defarge, with grim impatience.
(115) As it happens, I sympathise with the impatience.
(116) She fussed about, unable to hide her impatience.
(117) He was burning with impatience at all this waiting.
(118) He was gnawing his finger - nails with impatience.
(119) He awaited her answer with impatience.
(120) More often it was impatience that was ruinous.
More similar words: patiencepatientcompatiblescienceaudiencesapienceexperiencecompatibilityexperiencedconscienceimpudenceconveniencescience fictionempathyempathicsympathyimpairimpactimpartempatheticempathizesympathizesympatheticintelligence agencyimpartialimpalpableimpairmentencompassimpartialityefficiency
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