Synonym: eruptive, fiery, pyrogenic, pyrogenous. Similar words: erroneous, extraneous, erroneously, homogeneous, spontaneous, subcutaneous, simultaneous, spontaneously. Meaning: ['ɪgnɪəs]
adj. 1. produced under conditions involving intense heat 2. produced by the action of fire or intense heat 3. like or suggestive of fire.

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1 The island was uplifted and igneous intrusions took place.
2 Which are these hills of igneous rocks?
3 These formed hard igneous rocks which have resisted erosion.
4 Figure 3-17 shows graphically the division of igneous rocks according to their mineral content and their grain size.
5 This heating and crushing was due to nearby igneous volcanic activity about 400 million years ago.
6 Though igneous rocks are not layered, as sediments are, they too have characteristics that place them in time.
7 In the same way, the earmarks of igneous rocks are their mineralogy, textures, and structures.
8 Granulites are like their textural equivalents, granular igneous rocks, in being mosaics of interlocking crystals of roughly equal size.
9 Igneous intrusions injected as a mobile magma may show sharp contacts with surrounding, or country, rocks.
10 In describing the physical properties of igneous rocks and the minerals that compose them, their texture and acidity were mentioned.
11 Auger spectroscopy of igneous and metamorphic rocks has shown fine films of carbon covering grain boundaries.
12 When molten rock cools igneous rocks form.
13 Contrast the formation of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.
14 Igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone.
15 Trap rock is a form of plutonic igneous rock.
16 Igneous drape reservoir is a special type of reservoir.
17 Igneous rocks do not contain fossils.
18 Thus the intrusive igneous rocks usually have a coarse texture.
19 Igneous activity had ceased by the beginning of the Tertiary period, 60 million years ago.
20 Wager and co-workers were struck by the strong resemblance of layered igneous rocks in the Skaergaard intrusion to clastic sedimentary rocks.
21 Extensive areas within continental platforms are formed of basement, a complex of metamorphic and igneous rocks of Palaeozic or Precambrian age.
22 At a later time, according to Hutton, subterranean heat may produce an intrusion of igneous rock.
23 The same structural features, sometimes less easily recognized, are found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.
24 Thus it is very well developed on fine-grained basic igneous and metamorphic rocks.
25 It is not yet clear whether metasomatism takes place earlier than,( concurrent with or subsequent to alkaline igneous activity and melt migration.
26 Six mineral zones have been delineated in the thermal aureole formed by the post-tectonic Strath Ossian Igneous Complex.
27 Many of these materials are what we would call igneous rocks if we were to find them on Earth.
28 Since silicate melts and aluminosilicate melts are the main components of naturalmagma, the study of their structure is very important to exploring the properties ofmagma and the igneous processes.
29 Therefore, in Yingmaili area of Tarim basin, the seismic attributes parsing technique is studied to recognize the igneous rock through using 3D seismic data.
30 The characters of heterogeneity widely exist in shaly sand, carbonate and igneous reservoirs.
More similar words: erroneous, extraneous, erroneously, homogeneous, spontaneous, subcutaneous, simultaneous, spontaneously, heterogeneous, miscellaneous, simultaneously, extemporaneous, contemporaneous, instantaneous, signet, feigned, designer, vignette, assigned, resigned, designed, foreigner, resignedly, fashion designer, nauseous, piteous, gaseous, duteous, hideous, subaqueous.