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Heated in a sentence

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Sentence count:289+19Posted:2017-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: overheatedheatertheatercheaterlatent heatseatedheat engineheat energyMeaning: ['hɪːtɪd]  adj. 1. made warm or hot (`het' is a dialectal variant of `heated') 2. marked by emotional heat; vehement. 
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(211) There was already a distinct chill in the air, and the rooms over the stables weren't heated.
(212) Reginald Tufts, whose fighting ability was frequently the topic of heated debate, hit me until I cried.
(213) There was heated argument at the meeting, with strongly differing views advanced.
(214) To keep things piping hot and juicy, the meats are served on heated plates.
(215) And as cameras, microphones and tape recorders heated up, here is what immediately happened: Nothing.
(216) Solids can release gases back into the atmosphere when heated and pressed by volcanic activity.
(217) Your customer service representatives calm heated situations faster than the New York City fire department.
(218) Alternatively, it could be heated by energetic ions and electrons from the magnetosphere or by some unknown uv absorber.
(219) Remove seedlings from windowsills at night, as even centrally heated houses can become icy near the windows.
(220) Every cupful of heated water is a measure of valuable time.
(221) On Thursday Mr Lamont will announce the results of the bitter and heated arguments over public spending.
(222) Meanwhile, the referendum campaign was marked by increasingly heated rhetoric on both sides.
(223) An electrically heated wire is cooled by the flow, the rate of cooling depending on the velocity.
(224) Dry, centrally heated homes with their low-humidity atmosphere just make matters worse.
(224) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(225) Murdock was not the first to realise that the gas given off by heated coal could be burnt.
(226) When minerals such as quartz are heated, they emit light.
(227) When the mole molecules of a metal object are heated, they begin to vibrate.
(228) A stuffy atmosphere, or one which is artificially heated, air-conditioned and lit, produces lethargy and depression.
(229) Water from the cylinder passes through the solar panel where it is heated by the sun's rays.
(230) Sentimental visits home were punctuated by heated and bitter political arguments with my nearest and dearest.
(231) The issue was the subject of heated debate in a weekly morning caucus session.
(232) That wasn't a truth he wanted to hear so there was quite a heated exchange.
(233) But even wind power, as heated debates at various public enquiries have revealed[], is not without its critics.
(234) The continuing, and heated, judicial debate on racial preference indicates that the ultimate outcome of this controversy remains in doubt.
(235) She was an only child and hated her parents' heated exchanges.
(236) Reduce heat to low; cook 3 to 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally.
(237) Seven purpose-built conference suits, exclusive health club and heated indoor pool and gymnasium.
(238) The maximum temperature to which a melt is heated is also critical.
(239) After a short heated argument, the inspector agreed to pay the costs in cash from his local station funds.
(240) After the match Trevor and I had a heated argument over what will, undoubtedly, be another suspension.
More similar words: overheatedheatertheatercheaterlatent heatseatedheat engineheat energytreatedmovie theateramphitheaternauseateddefeatedpermeatedrepeatedbe seateduncreatedretreateduntreatedmistreatedill-treateddelineatedrepeatedlyheatwheatcheatheathersheathsheatheheath
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