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Grotesque in a sentence

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Sentence count:122+7Posted:2016-12-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absurdbizarredeformedfantasticincrediblemonstrousoddqueerridiculousuglyunnaturalSimilar words: montesquieuprotestroteproteinprotectprotectiveprotectionprotect fromMeaning: [grəʊ'tesk]  n. art characterized by an incongruous mixture of parts of humans and animals interwoven with plants. adj. 1. distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous 2. ludicrously odd. 
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91. The aftermath of the disaster was unimaginably grotesque -- and made worse by the fact that it was manmade.
92. Those whom Nature had depicted as merely quaint became grotesque.
93. Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.
94. Hamlet's assumed antic disposition; fantastic Halloween costumes; a grotesque reflection in the mirror.
95. Grotesque masks and figures atop twisted columns complete this extraordinary design.
96. Grotesque faces are carved over the doorway of the old building.
97. Grotesque literature follows the rules of"aesthetics in need",( which satisfies man's curiosity and death instinct meanwhile releases the pressure of being human.
98. In Fernando Sorrentino's fiction there is a curious mixture of fantasy and humour that sometimes comes in a grotesque framework, and always in a verisimilar one.
99. The hybrid imagery crafted in the style of comic grotesque subverts the positivist epistemology and classification, and emanates a strong dynamic and pleasure of anthropomorphism.
100. Most of those reports were a nightmare - grotesque, circumstantial , eager, and untrue.
101. Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery.
102. The uninhibited mutations and grotesque symbolic language of dreams interrupt the distinct images of contemporary humanity.
103. The element of Substance and Flesh is the core of the Grotesque realism, and commonly reveals itself in the images of hugeness and exaggeration.
104. The fat old man looked grotesque in his tight pants.
105. Graphic artist Antje Gerwien treads a fine line between groovy and grotesque, the the above bag designs illustrate so well.
106. Ridiculousness and grotesque makes people happy and confident with its beauty and fantasy. The art of ugliness sweeps beauty. It only brings pain and detest with sole banality .
107. Its predominant vein was, in Poe's own phrase, " the grotesque and arabesque. ".
108. Elizabeth Willard is a grotesque character in Sherwood Anderson's work Winesburg,[] Ohio.
109. That is a grotesque painting with two - headed animals with wings.
110. Grotesque masks along in a burst of pre - Lenten revelry in Nice, France.
111. Hundreds of these were produced, but the Luttrell Psalter is remarkable for its whimsical, humorous and vivid pictures of rural life and a demonic world that is terrifying and grotesque.
112. In the past, the spectacle of people in giant, grotesque, puffer coats going hatless was always amusing.
113. At her forecastle stood a grotesque figurehead, some worm-eaten wooden eminence with a constipated look and a scroll tucked up under one arm.
114. "Even my good reviews have tended to be backhanded compliments," he says. "They'll say I was good and almost unbearably grotesque.".
115. Western critics hold that Flannery O'Connor, one of the 20th-century Southern American writers, played up in her fiction a religious sense, thus resulting in grotesque style.
116. The theoretic innovations of this thesis include the advance of the conception of grotesque merry-andrew and the analysis about it's functions and it's aesthetic contributions.
117. The preparation of a man a la suckling pig is grotesque yet impossible to turn away from.
118. The Spanish Steps were crowded with the sellers of grotesque caricatures.
119. Grotesque: Group of typefaces classified under the British Standard. A form of the sans serif typeface.
120. Stones of grotesque forms are often attractive with underlaid lines and water holes.
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