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Graphics in a sentence

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Sentence count:267+8Posted:2017-04-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: graphictelegraphicdemographicgeographicalphotographicbiographicalautobiographicalgraphiteMeaning: n. 1. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication 2. the drawings and photographs in the layout of a book. 
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211. A highly polished effort, the graphics are nothing short of amazing.
212. WordPerfect Corporation offers a host of other software products, including spreadsheets, graphics, databases, and office automation.
213. Graphics include maps and drawings, often positioned over the shoulder of the anchor.
214. The graphics and special effects are described by many who have played the game as being well beyond anything out there.
215. He adds that the graphics capabilities allow the operation of a slideshow without the need to buy a specialist presentation graphics package.
216. Having spent some time loading and editing complicated vector graphics files in CorelDRAW I can vouch for the accuracy of this claim.
217. Web browsers, once limited to displaying text and graphics and downloading files, have created an entirely new element of risk.
218. Earlier this month, the company unveiled technology for improving the quality of graphics on the World Wide Web.
219. The three-dimensional graphics software concern plunged 4 3 / 8 to 23.
220. Can the text and graphics be moved around once they have been placed on the page?
221. Silicon Graphics Inc., the hottest player in the workstation market, has suddenly cooled off.
222. Apple still dominates several computer markets, including graphics and publishing.
223. It's got it all: great graphics, marvellous music, creative coding and brilliant design.
224. This chess game works on all graphics boards and the pieces are drawn well soas to avoid straining the eye.
224. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
225. The final twist to the whole presentation graphics story must be the current upsurge in interest in Desktop Video.
226. Each programme had exciting graphics, instantly identifiable signature tunes and a competition.
227. Adding feet and inches, for example, requires a procedure different from adding metres; displaying graphics is different from displaying text.
228. Denali is configured at three levels: low-end E series models 15, 25 and 35 offer mid-range graphics performance.
229. Essentially a text orientated language, it has been expanded to give graphics capability.
230. These are specialised graphics objects that you use rather like clip art - copy them on to your own slides and then customise.
231. Java applets are capable of handling a wide variety of graphic formats as well as creating graphics on the fly.
232. He's been telling the girls that their costumes for the video will be added by using computer graphics.
233. Categories include word processing, spreadsheets, accounts packages, databases, utilities, graphics and communications as well as educational software and games.
234. As well as typed text, they can produce large headings and graphics.
235. The exhibits will include paintings, graphics, masks, photographs and sculptures by more than 200 prominent and emerging artists nationwide.
236. It comes bundled with Windows 3.1, and a proprietary front-end, which uses graphics to depict the various functions provided.
237. Apple computers have long been standard equipment in the graphics and photographic industry.
238. The graphics are very slick for an arcade game that measure up very well compared to the latest Sega offerings.
239. The collision detection's awful, the graphics are hardly awe-inspiring and the gameplay?
240. Now blur the image slightly-most graphics editors will do this-and save it again with a different name.
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