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Graphics in a sentence

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Sentence count:267+8Posted:2017-04-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: graphictelegraphicdemographicgeographicalphotographicbiographicalautobiographicalgraphiteMeaning: n. 1. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication 2. the drawings and photographs in the layout of a book. 
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241. Nowhere is the pace of development more apparent than in computer graphics.
242. Scores of new titles, with slick covers and graphics, fill the shelves.
243. Similarly, desktop publishing packages can take text from a whole range of word processors, graphics packages and other sources.
244. When a graphics element is placed on a page there is now an option to set text wraparound.
245. They include enhancements to graphics, communications, disk and multimedia support.
246. Complex computer graphics were used to create the film's special effects.
247. But you can use photos or graphics from any source, including images downloaded from the World Wide Web.
248. On several occasions though the program also brought back a quantity of junk graphics suggesting that its overlay technique wasn't foolproof.
249. The latest version of its graphics package, Presentations 2, reviewed in our December issue, had these features in abundance.
250. Bernard and Ellen went to visit Belinda, who had renounced her separatist tendencies sufficiently to marry a graphics designer.
251. The other significant problem that is currently dogging the presentation graphics market is that film recorders come with a paucity of typefaces.
252. Fresco has borrowed concepts from Adobe PostScript and the Canute text layout system and includes PostScript-like structured graphics.
253. Computer graphics is, among other things[], just what the mathematician needed: an appropriate mechanism for turning algebra into forms.
254. The game play is smooth and the graphics are as good as any other platforms type game.
255. It enables moving pictures as well as text and graphics to be stored on compact disks.
256. Within information graphics, clarify cause and effect.
257. The specification of tables of graphics.
258. Ability to envision and apply appropriate materials and graphics to footwear.
259. Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics.
260. In computer graphics, a technique of echoing a locator, using a cursor.
261. Graphics cutting algorithm. These rectangular cutting, and cutting convex polygon.
262. In computer graphics, a light sensitive pick device that is pointed at the display surface.
263. In System / 38 graphics, the default result of the intersection of two or more colors.
264. Perhaps all the graphics should be zipped up into one archive?
265. In computer graphics, scrolling restricted to an upward or downward direction.
266. They are using state-of-the-art graphics in the film's special effects.
267. a plug-in graphics card.
More similar words: graphictelegraphicdemographicgeographicalphotographicbiographicalautobiographicalgraphitegraphhieroglyphicsbar graphepigraphgraphemehomographbiographyautographparagraphholographtelegraphgeographypolygraphtopographypictographmimeographphonographcalligraphydemographyphotographcartographyphotography
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