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Goodness in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+11Posted:2017-03-06Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: badnessevilillnessSimilar words: good namesadnessmadnesskindnesshardnesstirednessstaidnessawkwardnessMeaning: ['gʊdnɪs]  n. 1. that which is pleasing or valuable or useful 2. moral excellence or admirableness. 
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211. B : My goodness! You should have been more careful. Anyway, Homer sometimes nods.
212. Mycella : Thank goodness! Musashi , I " m so glad you came! "
213. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace , longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith , meekness, temperance.
214. As we celebrate God's faithfulness in the past and rejoice in his goodness today, we want to rededicate ourselves to serve and to place our entire lives before him as an offering of gratitude.
215. So I don't have to sweat it: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV).
216. Fix the other parts of the door pocket and adjust the goodness of fit according to the rule of inside-to-outside. Pay attention to the horizontal and vertical degree of each part.
217. Because of his wholesomeness and purity, which were easily seen by everyone, he was known as the Elephant King Goodness.
218. Love is related to purity , beauty , and goodness , while lust relates to filth, debauchery, and lewdness.
219. Deists believed in the goodness and perfectibility of man, the power of human reason, and the universal benevolence of "God" - however he was to be defined.
220. This result reveals that our economic growth not only enjoys the benefit of advanced system changes, but also the goodness brought in by the changes of "after effect superiority".
220. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
221. Lerup, L. "Environmentaflk and Behavioral Congruence as a Measure of Goodness in Public Space: The Case of Stockholm . " Ekisticsp 34 (1972).
222. Skillfulness on the sensual plane is goodness on the conventional, social level.
223. I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
224. The theory of weighted empirical processes is an important element for(generalized) nonparametric likelihood ratio goodness of fit test.
225. After he died, all the citizens agreed to make the one-hundredth prince their next ruler. Because of his goodness, they crowned him King Gamani the Righteous.
226. I will laugh at goodness and it will thrive and abound.
227. Thank goodness [], I can always find something funny to keep me up.
228. The new king was not god-fearing and he possibly was from a different dynasty, so he was unfamiliar with the goodness of Joseph in saving Egypt.
229. The final piece of this puzzling jigsaw is Linda's gym assistant Chad Feldheimer, played by Pitt with a blithe goofball goodness.
230. We said, 'Oh my goodness -- what we've been telling people about the magnetic shield is not correct.'
231. Thank goodness the new premier is not as trigger - happy as his predecessor.
232. He was believed to be possessed of every form of power, endued with wisdom, and in his dominion over the human race partial to justice, and with no limit to his goodness and love.
233. Microwaves can transform a frozen pizza into hot, melted goodness in four minutes flat, but they can't rescue your melted ice-cream sundae.
234. Test of goodness of fit proved that when the index of aphid degree was less than 80 and the samples were more than 100, the quantity estimation accuracy was as high as 90%.
235. It is him, so I don't have to slink away embarrassed, thank goodness.
236. It'sounds so trite, so Norman Vincent Peale, but my goodness this works.
237. Playing the part. Even those squirmy scenes were shot through with his goodness.
238. Mrs Boffin:My goodness Professor Boffin! Look at this bag! It is cement!
239. Quakerism emphasizes human goodness because of a belief that something of God exists in everyone.
240. A new correlation coefficient that indicates goodness of-fit for regression line will be introduced yet in this paper. The illustrative examples are presented.
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