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Geneva in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+4Posted:2017-09-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: wheneverbenevolentbenevolencebenevolentlygenegenericgeneticgenesisMeaning: [dʒɪ'nɪːvə]  n. 1. a city in southwestern Switzerland at the western end of Lake Geneva; it is the headquarters of various international organizations 2. gin made in the Netherlands. 
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61. Before getting to the murder trial, I will note two incidents that occurred in Geneva.
62. The talks in Geneva about intermediate-range nuclear forces have recently resumed.
63. The captain and crew would like to welcome you on board Flight 381 to Geneva.
64. The Geneva meeting, the first summit since Potsdam ten years earlier, was not the result of any political settlement.
65. Ford's new range of cars is being kept firmly under wraps until the Geneva auto show.
66. Although the name Savoy later developed out of Sapaudia, the area in question seems to have lain to the north of Geneva.
67. The negotiations in Geneva have set the scene for a possible agreement later in the year.
68. The buzz at Geneva last week was about smaller cars, wholesale commitment to environmental protection and rationalised, merged conglomerates.
69. Finally run out of money and had to borrow train fare from Chamonix to Geneva.
70. The eventual urban appellations reflected the flavor of the individual faces: New York, Geneva, Chicago, and so on.
71. He claimed that Hunt, with others, laundered a huge amount through Geneva bank accounts.
72. They were tortured, humiliated and abused in gross contravention of the Geneva convention.
73. Born in Geneva in 1857, he was introduced to linguistic studies at an early age by a philologist, Adolphe Pictet.
74. She reappeared, according to this, in Geneva, where she has made contact with Dimitri Volkov and became his mistress.
75. In due time, I returned to the country about the city of Geneva.
76. In 1955, the year of the Geneva summit conference, there were conciliatory gestures towards nuclear disarmament on both sides.
77. He never made the seventy-mile journey from Aix to Geneva, which was then the centre of the international world.
78. Talks on the division collapsed last week in Geneva over territorial issues, prompting fears of more intense fighting in Bosnia.
79. Mikhail Gorbachev achieved the same goal during the 1985 Geneva Summit meeting with Reagan.
80. Illmensee became a professor at the University of Geneva and Hoppe went with him.
81. It still refuses to join the United Nations[], though it is happy to welcome its free-spending bureaucracies in Geneva.
82. Considerable conversion work was involved and the complete exterior was painted in Khaki Green on which were superimposed Geneva red crosses.
83. Negotiators in Geneva reached their final agreement just hours before the midnight deadline.
84. Not all wartime firing squads acted in accordance with the Geneva Convention, however.
85. As the Geneva negotiations approached a denouement, he finally realized that his own status hung dangerously in the balance.
86. The University of Geneva appointed an international commission to investigate their work[], which met in August 1983.
87. In Geneva, Reagan and Gorbachev were supported by large, hardworking staffs of diplomatists.
88. Japan has refused to send a representative to the talks in Geneva.
89. Under the Geneva agreement, a French force was supposed to remain in South Vietnam until July 1956.
90. Geneva will hear all his piano concertos in seven concerts.
More similar words: wheneverbenevolentbenevolencebenevolentlygenegenericgeneticgenesisgeneralgenerallygeneticsgenerategenerousgeneratoroogenesisin generalgenealogygenerositybiogeneticgeneralitygentlenessdegeneracygeneticallydegenerategenerouslygeneralizegenerativegeneratingsui generisgeneration
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