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Frightened in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+19Posted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tightenenlightenstraightenrightfightershortenedall rightright awayMeaning: ['fraɪtnd]  adj. 1. thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation 2. made afraid. 
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31. The refugees were a pathetic sight - starving, frightened and cold.
32. It frightened me sometimes to see that.
33. She was frightened that the plane would crash.
34. He tried to calm the frightened children.
35. The dog frightened away the squirrels.
36. The policewoman found a frightened child in the hut.
37. Though badly frightened,[] she appeared outwardly calm.
38. I'm frightened of walking home alone in the dark.
39. The boy was frightened into obedience.
40. I've never been so frightened in my life!
41. They're frightened of losing power.
42. She felt him recoil from her, frightened.
43. I was frightened of making a fool of myself.
44. Don't be frightened by failure, son.
45. The frightened passengers tried to rush the lifeboat.
46. Frightened children were calling for their mothers.
47. He's not one who is easily frightened.
48. Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off.
49. Most children are frightened by the sight of blood.
50. She was frightened by the anger in his eyes.
51. I was frightened for his safety.
52. The boy frightened away the pigeons from the roof.
53. The horse was badly frightened by the sudden noise.
54. The rascal was frightened into holding his tongue.
55. I was very much frightened by the report.
56. Frightened by the car horn, the horse bolted.
57. I know something's the matter. You're frightened of something.
58. The children's shouts frightened off the birds.
59. The frightened horse galloped away.
60. Alice wasn't the least bit frightened.
More similar words: tightenenlightenstraightenrightfightershortenedall rightright awayfirefighterright wingcivil rightsfrigidhighlightrefrigeratordaughterlistenerfightmightnightlightmightyheighteightheightyslightflightweightburst into laughtertightlyby night
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