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Mighty in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: forcefulgrandgreatheartymuscularpotentpowerfulrobustruggedstoutstrongsturdyvigorousAntonym: weakSimilar words: eightymighthighlighthaughtyfightrightnightlightMeaning: ['maɪtɪ]  adj. having or showing great strength or force or intensity. adv. (Southern regional intensive) very. 
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1. From a little spark may burst a mighty flame. 
2. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. 
3. He gave it a mighty push and it opened.
4. She gave him a mighty thump.
5. You seem mighty sure of your facts.
6. I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.
7. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grawho shakes her head and laughs and flies away.
8. He struck him with a mighty blow across his shoulder.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass whoshakes her head and laughs and flies away.
10. Through the fields flows the mighty River Po.
11. That's a mighty fine car you have!
12. You seem mighty chipper this morning - what's up?
13. It's something you'll be mighty proud of.
14. Don't get high and mighty with me.
15. There was a flash and a mighty bang.
16. The mighty empire finally crumbled.
17. They gazed in wonder at the mighty peaks.
18. He's mighty pleased with himself.
19. The mighty U.S. army was humbled by a small South East Asian country.
20. A mighty roar went up from the crowd as the home team scored.
21. The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.
22. With a mighty heave he lifted the sack onto the truck.
23. There's no need to be/get so high and mighty with me!
24. Only the mighty God has the power on this dark land to lighten it.
25. It is mighty easy.
26. He gave the donkey a mighty prod in the backside.
27. Individually we are weak, like a single twig but as a bundle we form a mighty faggot.
28. If all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
29. They offered to raise salaries by 12% - that's a mighty generous deal.
30. I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.
More similar words: eightymighthighlighthaughtyfightrightnightlighteighthslightweightheightflightdelighttightlylight uptightenlightlyall rightfighterin sightinsightfreightat nightby nightlightingslightlynightmaremidnightright away
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  • me 2024-11-18 17:01:31
  • me 2024-02-17 11:27:29
  • Arpita 2023-11-08 09:56:52
    It is very important and nice
  • Gloria 2023-02-28 16:13:42
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  • Felipe 2023-02-24 14:47:21
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            hi                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                          
  • una chica 2023-02-24 02:33:24
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            hola .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            mis amigos                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                        
  • Jose 2023-02-23 20:34:41
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            hola .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            mis amigos                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                        
  • Esteban 2023-02-23 15:41:55
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Angelita 2023-02-23 15:38:47
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Angelita 2023-02-23 00:50:31
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
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