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Frequency in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+12Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absolute frequencyfrequenceoftennessrelative frequencySimilar words: frequentfrequentlysequenceconsequencein consequencerequestrequirerequiredMeaning: ['frɪːkwənsɪ]  n. 1. the number of occurrences within a given time period 2. the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations 3. the number of observations in a given statistical category. 
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91. So alarming is the frequency of adolescent childbirth that President Clinton recently announced a community-oriented campaign to prevent teen pregnancy.
92. Here is the wavelength and is the angular frequency of the wave.
93. The frequency and extent of the roll varies from day to day and from one set of conditions to another.
94. Under such circumstances the frequency with which you visited the pub would be likely to decrease gradually over time.
95. When m 0.6, the input resistance remains close to for frequencies up to 85% of the critical frequency.
96. Threats to the rear occur throughout life, although with less frequency and intensity than during childhood.
97. The Detailed Spectrum Investigation results have been amalgamated into a proposed table of frequency allocations and use.
98. Chip frequency and size of secondary cache on the box in between are currently undecided.
99. The full array of such fractions, comprising a frequency distribution across all cultures sampled, is called an ethnographic curve.
100. The topographical setting of an urban area can increase the frequency and severity of adverse meteorological conditions.
101. The sampling frequency of water depends under regulations upon population density.
102. There was no significant correlation between the frequency of extrasystoles, either supraventricular or ventricular, and oxygen saturation values.
103. Lay-abbacies, though not his invention, were deployed by Charles with a new frequency.
104. Ken Robinson has expressed his deep concern at the increasing frequency of violent incidents within the east Antrim area.
105. Watkins found crossroads falling on leys with amazing frequency, even though the present-day roads were not aligned on the leys.
106. These modes exhibit a behaviour of ever-increasing frequency as the Cauchy horizon is approached.
107. Crohn's colitis does not differ very much from ulcerative colitis in this regard, the reported frequency of stricture being 8%.
108. It would seem reasonable to assume that measures aimed at treating calculi in these patients may reduce the frequency of infection.
109. Analysis of the frequency of occurrence and the biomass of these fish suggests little competition for food between the two species.
110. The frequency of gall bladder motor disorder in patients with diabetes mellitus is still controversial.
111. In this technique atoms have their velocities reduced by running head-on into a laser beam tuned to their transition frequency.
112. This time(, the term attenuation band is an apt description of each range of frequency.
113. Purpose: Audio frequency amplifier, driver stage amplifier applications.
114. Purpose: Audio frequency amplifier, low voltage regulator.
115. Purpose: Audio frequency general amplifier application.
116. Purpose: Audio frequency general purpose amplifier applications.
117. Purpose: Audio frequency power amplifier and switching applications.
118. Purpose: Audio frequency amplifier and driver stage.
119. Purpose: Audio frequency and high frequency power amplifier.
120. Purpose: Audio frequency amplifier and driver stage amplifier Applications.
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