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Forefinger in a sentence

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Sentence count:73+2Posted:2017-03-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: indexindex fingerSimilar words: ring fingerfingerfingerprintindex fingerrefinedlingeringsingerlingerMeaning: n. the finger next to the thumb. 
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31. They were stony-faced. Not a single raised forefinger; not a flicker of a catalogue; not even a blink.
32. But she dipped her thumb and forefinger into the bag and took out a pinch of snuff.
33. He tapped the side of his head with his forefinger.
34. The forefinger of this was capped with a golden nib!
35. Then, leaning forward, she picked an olive out of the glass dish in front of them and held it between thumb and forefinger.
36. Holding it between his thumb and forefinger, he touched the top fence wire.
37. She was the Amazon, with a crimson headdress, eyeing the miniature man she held between thumb and forefinger.
38. Josie's hand slipped on the grater and a bright bead of blood swelled out of her forefinger.
39. With the forefinger of her left hand, she slid out a single sheet of paper from the pile at her side.
40. But he rubbed his forefinger guiltily against his top lip while he pondered the implications of a new insight.
41. He also held his forefinger to his lips, indicating that they might be overheard.
42. Put out the forefinger downward and do therotated action.
43. His forefinger darted in all directions as he spoke.
44. He pointed his forefinger at me reprovingly.
45. I can make my thumb and forefinger meet round your bicep.
46. The little child took her ear between his thumb and forefinger and tugged it playfully.
47. The basic buret is usually operated bY thumb and forefinger.
48. Pearl still pointed with her forefinger; and a frown gathered on her brow; the more impressive from the childish,( the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it.
49. He held it between the tips of his thumb and forefinger.
50. Idle to fine, clip cigarette in the forefinger and middle finger.
51. ObjectiveTo explore the effect of the lateral island flap with neurovascular pedicle of finger on reconstruction of the sensory function of thumb and forefinger pulp.
52. So I suggest that operate the basic buret with thumb, forefinger and middle finger.
53. Warren Trent's forefinger stabbed the document between them on the bar.
54. His forefinger was cut by knife and bled a lot.
55. The second joint of forefinger was chosen as the testing site.
56. He raised his forefinger indicatively[], as parents do to children.
57. He seized one of Winston's remaining front teeth between his powerful thumb and forefinger.
58. Then pinch the new shoots between your thumb and forefinger.
59. 'Now , I'll put you in a corner,'forensically shaking a forefinger at him.
60. Manipulate the chopsticks with the middle finger and the forefinger.
More similar words: ring fingerfingerfingerprintindex fingerrefinedlingeringsingerlingerharbingerfringe benefitrefillprefixdefinedefinitedefinabledefinitiondefinitivedefinitelyfirefighterindefinableangerthereforedangerhungerlongerwhereforeforefatherforefrontany longerno longer
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