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Floppy in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+5Posted:2017-04-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: diskettefloppy diskSimilar words: sloppypoppyflophappypreppyunhappyhappy hourhappy-go-luckyMeaning: [flɑpɪ /'flɒ-]  n. a small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope with a radial slit; used to store data or programs for a microcomputer. adj. hanging limply. 
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61, Originally Word fit quite neatly on a single 400K floppy disk.
62, Cleaning a floppy disk drive should be part of a regular maintenance procedure.
63, For my money, the champion of illogical interface design is still the method for removing a floppy from a Macintosh.
64, We found that on two occasions it was unable to copy a large file across 5 floppy discs.
65, One of the easiest is to modify your computer so that it will not boot from a floppy disk.
66, The files on the floppy were data files which can not reveal their contents without the assistance of program files.
67, Now she was standing outside my school in a black floppy hat and long green coat, waiting for another boy.
68, The San Francisco angler with the signature floppy fishing cap encourages tyros not to be intimidated.
69, They are a group of impeccably-mannered, youngish tykes with alarmingly pallid complexions and lazy, floppy brown locks to a man.
70, Witnesses have said that the day before her death, Danielle was quiet and strangely floppy.
71, The floppy drive supplied with the 320SLi is an external unit, which weighs about 10oz.
72, He is good-looking with floppy black hair, brown eyes and a lean muscular body.
73, The results of a search can be stored on a floppy disc or printed out.
74, When it succeeds, the virus then copies itself on to any more floppy disks inserted in that computer.
75, There was a new drive for the floppy disks that allowed each disk to store twice the information.
76, It ran as smooth as clockwork; hard disk, floppy drive,( monitor and printer port.
77, A Packard Bell desktop 386 computer complete with hard disk, two floppy drives and software, £666.
78, Use a fish slice to do this, as the pastry is very floppy.
79, Do make sure the welts are not floppy. there is no excuse for this, even with a single bed double rib.
80, Colin gave the wrong advice about getting floppy disc out when jammed and then I deleted the stuff off the hard disc.
81, Air is drawn in to this low pressure area primarily through the ventilation slots and also through the floppy disk drive apertures.
82, Apparently the machine's screen and the motherboard survived intact - but alas not the floppy drive.
83, Recently, a friend of mine who's a teacher was looking through files of exam questions stored on a floppy disk.
84, Microcomputers on the other hand generally use local storage on floppy disks.
85, He said computer networks would not be affected and copies of information should be made on floppy discs.
86, The Assistant Secretary put a large floppy handbag on the table and took out a small handkerchief.
87, Nothing, not a note, not an old article, not a floppy disc.
88, As for my powder blue, double-knit polyester bridesmaid dress and floppy hat, I left them behind this time.
89, This is characteristic of floppy mitral valvemitral valve prolapse.
90, VxWorks system floppy disk drive driver source code.
More similar words: sloppypoppyflophappypreppyunhappyhappy hourhappy-go-luckytrigger-happyfloeflowflourfloutsloplopeflockfloorfloatflorafloodgallopelopeslopeafloatflowerfloridinflowdollopflowingflourish
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