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Feudalism in a sentence

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Sentence count:64+3Posted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vandalismvandalisefeudrealismfatalismtalismanjournalismsocialismMeaning: ['fjuːdəlɪzm]  n. the social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war. 
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31 The stability of autarchy , is in accordance with the long - standing and stability of feudalism autarchy system.
32 But the Chinese people had yet to fulfill their historical task of overthrowing imperialism and feudalism.
33 Its disappearance was closely related to the restoration of doctrinairism, feudalism and undemocratic political life of the party political. It is an essential feature of social...
34 The May 4 th Movement was a thoroughgoing, uncompromising revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism.
35 At the same time, new opinions are put forward as far as Jiangkui's implication for 'Jingsong figure', scholar-bureaucrat mainstream culture in later feudalism society and 'culture personality'.
36 Mao was ready to lead China from feudalism to Communism without ever going through the intermediate stage of capitalism.
37 The Chinese culture based on patriarchal - feudalism proved capable of assimilating many alien cultures.
38 On the one hand enfeoffs into the land provides knight's military fiefdom, establishes the knight system the solid foundation,[] and becomes the middle ages military feudalism the source.
39 In that world there is no capitalism, socialism, communism or feudalism; there is also no westernisation or easternisation.
40 During the great reform course from feudalism economy system to capitalist economy system, the primitive accumulation of capital has taken great effect.
41 Therefore, opposing feudalism is a fundamental task of the Chinese revolution.
42 China banned the pigtail in 1911 as it was seen as a symbol of feudalism.
43 His thoughts still have realistic significance in persistence in fighting against feudalism and strengthening the awareness of "people in power" while we are cracking down on corruption.
44 With the establishment of feudalism, the inquisitorial model takes the place of the accusatorial model.
45 Feudalism was falling apart and the new city republics were rising.
46 However, with its establishment by the end of the 16th century,[] the primitive communes had been changed by the feudalism and became powerful tools in defensing and enforcing the serf system in Russia.
47 There is not only relative and democratic content with reason but also feudalism draff in the traditional filial piety. And the essential character of the new is fair among relatives.
48 Next I made an allusion to courtly love, which appeared at the time at which homosexual amusement had fallen into supreme decadence, in that sort of impossible bad dream known as feudalism.
49 A: Our reforms will strip away all vestiges of feudalism.
50 Periodization and Sovereignty: How Ideas of Feudalism and Secularization Govern the Politics of Time (Middle Ages S.
51 In the 20th century, the noumenal study of Chinese teaching requires to itself from the fetters of feudalism ideology and dogmatism politics in order to keep the independence of Chinese teaching.
52 He was in office for several years before he resigned. He heavily opposed the decadency and autocracy of feudalism and strongly advocated social reform.
53 Such was the new culture invented by the old feudalism!
54 From these Wars , English feudalism received its deathblow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened.
55 In particular, after the Opium War in 1840, China endured many trials and tribulations because of the decadent and declining rule of feudalism and the ravaging aggression of imperialist powers.
56 Challenges against patriarchal - feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898.
57 Feminism criticism has special context - against feudalism and the tradition.
58 This marked an initial victory for the struggle against imperialism and feudalism.
59 In feudal China , patriarchal - feudalism became the dominant ideology and political mainstay.
60 Under feudalism , young people could not marry the person of their own choice.
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