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Fettle in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2017-04-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nettlemettlekettlesettlesettle forresettleunsettleunsettledMeaning: ['fetl]  n. a state of fitness and good health. v. remove mold marks or sand from (a casting). 
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1) The team are all in excellent fettle.
2) The team is in fine fettle.
3) Park Foods is in fine fettle after selling off all non-core businesses.
4) You seem in fine fettle.
5) The good news put her in fine fettle.
6) I feel in fine fettle after my two weeks'holiday.
7) I why in poor fettle every day of?
8) The good news put him in fine fettle.
9) Both padre and padrone seemed in fine fettle.
10) That's a fine fettle of fish!
11) Perhaps,[] because I don't regulate my fettle designedly.
12) The people's constitution fettle is relates to the rise and fall of our country.
13) We were in fine fettle , drinking Anjou all the way to the coast.
14) Fettle:To line the hearth of (a reverberatory furnace) with loose sand or ore in preparation FOR pouring molten metal.
15) As businesses they are in good fettle, partly because of their youth and their natural advantages.
16) The horse is in fine fettle and should win the race.
17) When I visited Mahatma Gandhi again at the end of June, 1946, he was in fine fettle.
18) Arthus Anderson ( he's the one who makes funny jokes ) was in fine fettle.
19) At first sight, the economy hit the August turmoil in fine fettle.
20) The classic household effects of our company adopts a traditional craft creation, hand work fettle shagging, the tenon Mao links.
21) At present time, puzzledom of talk show is falling short of daily talking fettle. The cause is mostly failing on dealing with the relation between mass communication and interpersonal communication.
More similar words: nettlemettlekettlesettlesettle forresettleunsettleunsettledsettle downmettlesomenettlesomesettlementlittle by littlefetterunfetteredlittlecattlerattlebattlebottlebottledwhittlebrattlebrittlemottledshuttleprattlescuttlea littleunsettling
Total 21, 30 Per page  1/1 
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  • Angelita 2023-02-28 15:31:43
    mis amigos                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                 
  • Marcos 2023-02-24 14:05:33
    Goodnight moon                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                              
  • Jose 2023-02-24 01:51:27
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            bye                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                         
  • Willie 2023-02-23 19:52:47
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            bye                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                         
  • Esteban 2023-02-23 15:00:04
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            hi                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                          
  • Jaun 2023-02-23 14:56:57
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            hi                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                          
  • Jaun 2023-02-22 19:47:10
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            hi                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                          
  • Senorita 2023-02-21 23:47:06
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            ● PonyExpress has more sentences containing 'fettle' than sentencedict.                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                   
  • ☑☑☑Approved User☑☑☑ 2023-02-15 22:31:47
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            I think is MUCH better than this site. Google lengusa and search the same keyword...                                                                                                                           .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                              
  • me 2023-02-15 22:31:47
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