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Far in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+67 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: a great dealdistantmuchremoteremovedAntonym: closecloselynearnearlySimilar words: par.barcarfanfarefarmforfurMeaning: [fɑr /fɑː]  n. a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again. adj. 1. at a great distance in time or space or degree 2. being of a considerable distance or length 3. being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle 4. beyond a norm in opinion or actions. adv. 1. to a considerable degree; very much 2. at or to or from a great distance in space 3. at or to a certain point or degree 4. remote in time 5. to an advanced stage or point. 
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31 His voice sounded faint and far away.
32 We are not far from my home now.
33 Yeah, as far as I know.
34 Her parents were far more liberal than mine.
35 It's the hottest day I've had so far.
36 Rose says so far the marriage has been unsatisfying.
37 This joke has gone a little too far.
38 Teachers are far from complacent about this problem.
39 He's ridden six winners so far this year .
40 In the far distance I saw a ride approaching.
41 The performance fell far short of our expectations.
42 The violence was far from one-sided .
43 Our business is far from immune to economic conditions.
44 The team's opponents are unbeaten so far this season.
45 The work hasn't progressed very far.
46 Yeah, as far as I can tell.
47 So far, the police do not suspect foul play.
48 He has a spotless record so far.
49 They were too far inland to hear the sea.
50 Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers.
51 Meg was pointing towards the far shore.
52 He was far from a shoo-in for president.
53 As a critic, he is far too subjective.
54 There's not far to go now.
55 He's far too young to go on his own.
56 He walked as far as the gate.
57 So far,[] we do not seem to have received.
58 Research has so far proved inconclusive.
59 As far as I recollect, you came late.
60 America was far richer in the nineties.
More similar words: par.barcarfanfarefarmforfurjarwarairarmartasatbadbanbarebarnbatbaycabcancapcardcarecartdaddamday
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