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Stratosphere in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: exospherebiospheregeospherethermospheremesosphereatmospherehydrospherelithosphereMeaning: ['strætəʊ‚sfɪr /-fɪə]  n. the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere. 
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1 Property prices have gone into the stratosphere.
2 He's now at the top of the political stratosphere.
3 It forces real interest rates into the stratosphere and makes rapid growth extremely difficult.
4 It was the Unwins, in the stratosphere of ecstasy, who led Upper Gumtree into the winners' circle.
5 So the cloud absorbs sunlight, heating the stratosphere up but stopping warmth from reaching the Earth.
6 Ozone in the stratosphere forms a natural shield to filter harmful ultraviolet light.
7 Remi was going to ny down in a stratosphere liner with this harp under his arm and make us all rich.
8 In the tropical lower stratosphere, however, O 3 is reduced by up to 7%.
9 This was enough to launch their careers into the stratosphere.
10 Erupting volcanoes discharge massive quantities of dust into the stratosphere.
11 During the 1980s(, the amount of ozone in the stratosphere above Europe decreased by about 8%.
12 By then, car crime had pushed insurance rates up beyond the ozone and way past the stratosphere.
13 The movie ought to take off into the laughing-gas stratosphere of the best farces.
14 However, these reactions only take place because of the presence of manufactured chlorine in the stratosphere.
15 Most people know about the Ozone layer in the earth's stratosphere.
16 However, ozone also participates in complex chemical reactions involving trace substances in the stratosphere.
17 But with no corresponding drop in birthrates the population line was propelled into the demographic stratosphere.
18 This reacts with the chlorine in a similar way to ozone in the stratosphere, but more usefully.
19 The budget deficit quadrupled in the 1980s,( and the public debt followed it into the stratosphere.
20 The nation's teenage pregnancy rate is soaring into the stratosphere.
21 He does not entirely explain how so many people could lift off so quickly into the deal-making stratosphere.
22 It had not been predicted by any of the models simulating potential pollution effects on the stratosphere.
23 This behaviour is similar to the observed evolution of the mean temperature in the lower stratosphere during 1984 and 1989.
24 The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. George Orwell 
25 Nuclear explosions produce shock waves which can inject oxides of nitrogen into the stratosphere.
26 It also forms a very reflective sulfate aerosol haze in the stratosphere, which efficiently reflects incident sunlight away from Earth.
27 Impatience is justified if theory moves off into the stratosphere, so to speak.
28 They raise horrendous amounts of dust, which is carried by the rising mushroom clouds into the stratosphere.
29 But he expects good sales from certain novels below the CrichtonGrisham stratosphere.
30 Changes in the tropospheric circulation will affect planetary wave propagation and hence the temperature variability of the lower stratosphere.
More similar words: exospherebiospheregeospherethermospheremesosphereatmospherehydrospherelithospheretroposphereasthenospheredemonstratoradministratoratmosphericspherenominal interest ratehemisphereleft hemispherenorthern hemispheresphere of influencearbitratorperpetratorstratumstrategyfrustratestratagemstrategicprostratefrustratedillustratemagistrate
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