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Facilitated in a sentence

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Sentence count:114+1Posted:2017-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: facilitatefacilityfacilitiesrehabilitateagitatedirritatedrehabilitationagitatedlyMeaning: [fə'sɪlɪteɪt]  adj. freed from difficulty or impediment. 
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(61) They, with their actions, facilitated the Restore Project of Zheng's Treasure Ship.
(62) In the certain extent, it has facilitated the lawman to illegal business case's processing.
(63) Where the intermediator has facilitated the conclusion of the contract, the expenses for the intermediate service shall be borne by the intermediator.
(64) The two - storied facilitated by an exhibition area of over 300 square meters.
(65) Extraterritorial assassinations facilitated by unmanned drones have become, he writes, "an integral part" of national security strategy.
(66) Laming-Emperaire's structuralist methodology is still in use, much facilitated by computer science.
(67) This method is the use of USB microcontrollers simulation equipment, which greatly facilitated the development , while reducing power consumption and ...
(68) Molecular simulation modeling study indicated that vanadium oxides with vanadium of low oxidation number facilitated the conversion of sulfides.
(69) The meetings were facilitated by a non - governmental think tank, which also had representatives at the discussions.
(70) It is precisely the cultural popularity, the people spirit pursue fast-food, the human nature personalization, facilitated the Zhu Deyong cartoon widely to be in vogue.
(71) These outcomes were the result of philanthropic and state action, which facilitated private enterprise.
(72) Like many esoteric pursuits, this has been facilitated by the internet.
(73) Conclusion Corticotomy - facilitated orthodontics is an effective method to correct the collapsed arch and severe posterior lockbite.
(74) The high pressure of white society had tortured the personality of American blacks and facilitated the formation of the specific characteristics of the black race in America.
(75) Education software is being developed to assist IT - facilitated teaching and learning activities.
(76) Passive transport by facilitated diffusion requires the presence of specific integral membrane proteins to facilitate the movement of the molecule across the membrane.
(77) Similar fiscal restraint in India, while it lasted, facilitated cutting the top income tax rate to 30% from 60% at the start of yet another "economic miracle."
(78) Rice production duly expanded, greatly facilitated, it was thought, by subsidized credit.
(79) The banks'course was made possible by cheap money, facilitated in turn by low consumer - price inflation.
(80) In a local Orthodox church there is a Saturday service for the deaf facilitated by a sign language interpreter, after which the congregation have tea with the priest.
(81) This study facilitated the research on the roles of pentose phosphate pathway in the osmoadaptation and glycerol metabolism in...
(82) The liaison with scientists working on the same or allied problems will be facilitated.
(83) The experimental results proved that the direct addition of nano-ZnO to LDPE facilitated good combined properties for the composites by using StZn as the dispersing agent and other suitable materials.
(84) The paper money invention has enormously facilitated the commodity exchange, reduced the transaction cost, promoted the circulation of commodities, and prevailed in Song and Yuan Dynasty.
(85) I once facilitated a retrospective in which the developers had identified the UI experts as the biggest hold-up to their stories.
(86) The idea sprang from Ryncarz's former venture, which facilitated vacation planning through payroll
(87) The appellate court ruling stemmed from a child welfare case involving two children who enrolled in a parochial school that facilitated home schooling and were educated at home by their mother.
(88) It took longer to write, but once it was done they had a platform that facilitated tasks that were more labor-intensive for their competitors.
(89) The United States made several mistakes in the after of Sept. 11 that facilitated China's rise, Mr. Yuan observes, the Iraq war first and foremost.
(90) Experimental results indicate that the work has increased the compresion efficiency of contour texture coding and facilitated its implementation.
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