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Extraction in a sentence

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Sentence count:153+2Posted:2017-03-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: descentoriginSimilar words: extractingtractionextractattractionsubtractionextraditionfractionrefractionMeaning: [-kʃn]  n. 1. the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means 2. properties attributable to your ancestry 3. the act of pulling out (as a tooth). 
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91. The extraction rate of carrageen was increased, while some shortcomings such as that the gel of the carrageen being prone to bleeding water and shrinking were improved under the above method.
92. The extraction, isolation and purification of alkali-soluble polysaccharide from leaf mustard were studied.
93. We propose an effective algorithm for automatic key segment extraction based on the analysis of positive and negative samples of key segment extracted manually from a training database.
94. With the method of single factor experiment and rotational orthogonal experiment, the optimum extraction conditions of limonin were determined.
95. To save time and reduce workload, a economical, rapid, simple, and applicable for RAPD analysis extraction methodology of seeds genomic DNA of Hibiscus cannabinus L. was explored.
96. The segmentations of gaIt'silhouettes have very important influence on feature extraction subject classification.
97. Some key technologic problems in computer lip-reading system, such as lip detection, feature extraction and lip-reading recognition were researched in this
98. Objective To explore the technological processes of extraction, identification and determination of total flavone from folium Camelliae for fully making use of Camellia sinensis resourses.
99. Absorption studies were conducted on the residue after each extraction.
100. A cluster algorithm of automatic key frame extraction based on adaptive threshold is employed and mended for extracting shot's key frames.
101. An extremely poisonous white compound, KCN, used in the extraction of gold and silver from ores, electroplating, and photography, and as a fumigant and insecticide.
102. Causticizing mud was used as a roasting additive of sodium chloride for extraction of vanadium pentoxide from stone coal.
103. In the U.S. much of the crude oil is degummed at the extraction plant.
104. In order to make use of the resources of longan leaves, avoid wasting and approach the extraction of total flavanone of longan leaves.
105. Objective To study the optimum extraction process of quercitrin of Albizzia julibrissin Durazz.
106. OBJECTIVE To optimize the extraction technology of steaming Radix Scrophulariae.
107. Through compared both extractive methods [], we found the extraction efficiency of tomatine by solution of alcohol was head and shoulders above that one of the solution of acid water.
108. Conclusion This reflects that the second molars could move mesially during treatment in the second premolars extraction subjects, which can lead to the increase of the retromolar space.
109. Methods of extraction, separation, identification and about the antibacterial activity of acidic components from Ganoderma lucidum are investigated.
110. The residual mixture in the extraction process to produce fatty acid and resin from crude tall Oil which is a by-product of paper-making industry, is called tall oil pitch.
111. Objective To study the best extraction method for Salvia Miltiorrhiza effective component.
112. Objective:To research the chemical compositions of alcohol extraction from Psidium Guajava L. leaf, and to provide the scientific proof for the exploitation of this herbal resource.
113. Intracapsular cataract extraction, the complications such as vitreous prolapse, retinal detachment are more than ECCE .
114. In the U.S. much of the desoluentized crude oil is degummed at the extraction plant.
115. The extraction of peanut protein hydrolysate from cold pressed peanut cake by Alcalase.
116. In speech analysis, it ? ? s very important for the extraction of speech spectral envelope.
117. The water extraction of Perilla frutescens and parch Perilla frutescens implied expectorant effects at low concentration.
118. Objective To study the effects of male worm extraction on the proliferation and metabolic activity of cultured vitelline cells from Schistosoma japonicum.
119. It is difficult to define the detection limits obtained by chelation - solvent extraction.
120. This paper mainly summerize extraction and purification technology of taxol in the current in order to give a theoretical reference for the researchers.
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