Similar words: identity, quantity, in quantity, entitle, sentiment, mention, parenting, entirely. Meaning: ['entətɪ] n. that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving).
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31. They are an extension of his nuclear family but also a discrete entity.
32. The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcolm X
33. As a political entity feminism had less clout than the merest lobby.
34. To fix: Using clout or influence to produce a favorable result, usually from an entity of government.
35. The company was functioning well as a business entity and making inroads all the time creatively.
36. The ie has ceased to exist as a legal entity, but the family unit has remained highly influential.
37. Any combination of fixed and mobile telephony and data communications can operate as a single entity over the Ericsson Business Network.
38. Their vision of the party pointed towards a loosely-organized entity open to the revisionism from which western Marxist parties were suffering.
39. The correct position is thus that the corporate entity is a vehicle for benefiting the interests of a specified group or groups.
40. In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
41. In laboratory experiments he has shown that the electrical field of the human entity can affect the contents of the vapour.
42. It is a legal entity that lives separately from its owners.
43. In a bilateral system comprising a network of reciprocal relationships the entity against which claims are made is evident.
44. Our policy is that Information memoranda should be issued only on the instruction of the disposing entity.
45. Entity modelling can be used as an aid to communication as well as a technique for finding out information.
46. There often arises the problem of distinguishing between an entity and an attribute.
47. This is a theoretical entity that contains a specification of the word's defining characteristics.
48. There is a difference between Ulster and the troubled political entity of Northern Ireland.
49. Wilson agreed that it would be more efficient to consolidate authority over the island under one entity.
50. Medved muddies the waters by treating cinema[], television and pop more or less as a single entity.
51. Some preventive methods overlap but only one was considered for each congenital abnormality entity.
52. In 1992 the chamber created a separate, nonprofit entity to coordinate the apprenticeship program.
53. Even if they could think, there is no obvious reason why any thinking entity should be motivated to make copies of itself.
54. No other credible entity, public or private, had the experience and technical know-how to cope with the disaster.
55. Suppose the economy is not one large, unified entity but is instead divided into a large number of islands.
56. As an entity, the United States behaved in the same way.
57. Language is sufficiently flexible to allow the construction of an infinite variety of singular terms which do not designate any entity.
58. A first approach to an entity model for an academic department of computer science is given in Figure 3.1.
59. The nature of both universal and human expression is identical, the universal being mirrored in the human entity.
60. It is not condemning Gorbachev to point out the confusion surrounding the dismantling of the Soviet Union as a political entity.
More similar words: identity, quantity, in quantity, entitle, sentiment, mention, parenting, entirely, identify, incentive, enticing, attention, scientist, invention, identical, twentieth, continent, convention, essentially, scientific, potentially, prevention, influential, residential, not to mention, conventional, presidential, intervention, unrelentingly, pay attention to.