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Enlist in a sentence

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Sentence count:71+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: enrollinduceinfluencejoinmovepersuadepromptsign upswaySimilar words: enlistedenlivenenlightenenlightenedenlightenmentlistlistenglistenMeaning: [ɪn'lɪst]  v. 1. join the military 2. hire for work or assistance 3. engage somebody to enter the army. 
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(1) He decided to enlist in the Marines.
(2) They hoped to enlist the help of the public in solving the crime.
(3) Can I enlist your help in raising the money?
(4) He decided to enlist as a soldier.
(5) Can I enlist your help?
(6) We've got to enlist some people to help prepare the food.
(7) We are hoping to enlist the cooperation of women's groups.
(8) They have at last decided to enlist the help of experts.
(9) He decided to enlist.
(10) Some older men did enlist in the home guards and could be seen drilling each morning and evening.
(11) He also visited Alfonso and tried to enlist his support.
(12) Only 31 percent of sailors re- enlist after their first enlistment period.
(13) He's trying to enlist my sympathy by pretending he's in the grip of some third thing.
(14) You may also need to enlist the help of a friend.
(15) Richards tried to enlist my support,( but I had no desire to get involved.
(16) She undertook an assignment to enlist Tsarist support for the Boulangists and then travelled to Ireland.
(17) One council, Lancashire, has been trying to enlist the Ministry of Agriculture's help in controlling their hogweed.
(18) Something to enlist the support, the complicity, of the fields, the plantations of spruce.
(19) If you enlist them effectively these people will make extraordinary efforts to advance new visions and possibilities.
(20) The ability of the school to enlist - and respond to - parental involvement, will be crucial.
(21) He used the medium of radio when he wanted to enlist public support or reassure the citizenry.
(22) If the bailiff thinks that things could turn nasty he will enlist the help of the police.
(23) Mrs Rouncewell's younger son, George, runs away as a boy to enlist in the army.
(24) One such overnight stop was in Allentown, Pennsylvania, to stay with and enlist the support of pilot Dorothy Leh.
(25) A little group of men had got together and appeared to be trying to enlist others into a formation of some kind.
(26) Protestant critics, looking for a religion denuded of magic, would enlist the Bible on their side.
(27) An average student, he felt the pull and excitement of the Army, so he left college to enlist in 1942.
(28) There was much interest in a broadly based Middle Eastern Command which would enlist the willing support of the Arab states.
(29) Cisneros said that he would continue his efforts during the fall campaign to enlist Hispanic support for Clinton.
(30) To increase a regular use of the County exchange service and enlist the advice and guidance of County library staff. 10.
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