Similar words: close down, disclosed, closed primary, close, closet, closer, close up, close in. Meaning: [-zd] adj. closed in or surrounded or included within.
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91. All these components are enclosed in an attractive, luxury box which is ideal for holding the work in progress.
92. A weatherboarded flour mill, it was originally supported on open timberwork, but this has been enclosed within a brick roundhouse.
93. By studying the enclosed repayment table you can see at a glance how much a loan will cost.
94. The smell of chlorine engulfed her and some one suddenly blew a whistle, the sound echoing in the large enclosed area.
95. The Romans enclosed the town with walls that still gird the Old City.
96. Find enclosed the member's card for the Cool cats club and two newsletters! hope you enjoy reading!
97. The last remnant of Birmingham Heath was enclosed in 1799, and was built over forthwith with eight new streets.
98. The government has, alas, enclosed some of the mountain streams in concrete banks to prevent land erosion.
99. Jerry had to spend two months enclosed in a huge plastic bubble, to prevent him from catching germs from other children.
100. Flanking a canal, it was enclosed by a bamboo fence, and neat rows of thatched-roof huts had been laid out.
101. Their ideologies create enclosed belief-systems that can not be affected by evidence which contradicts them.
102. Once part of the common grazing of the parish this land was only finally enclosed in 1863.
103. The two pilots sat side-by-side in an enclosed cockpit, with a gangway between the seats and full dual control provided.
103. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
104. Annie felt her hand enclosed in a warm cocoon of talcum powder and smooth baby skin.
105. He enclosed a stamped addressed envelope the size of a small knapsack.
106. It was addressed to Mrs Philip Arbuthnot and a letter was enclosed with the card.
107. Please look at the enclosed magazine to see the usual format for articles.
108. Windows will be larger, overhead storage compartments will be enclosed and the toilet compartments will have natural light and changing tables.
109. The text is enclosed here for information(, in case local organisations are approached about it.
110. The room is safe, enclosed, protected from the harsh glare of artificial light.
111. If you do not understand the details enclosed please contact the Finance Department where the staff will be pleased to assist.
112. This statement should be enclosed with the letter of instruction.
113. No longer enclosed in the tank, she must have experienced a boost in morale.
114. To that end, a proforma and supporting papers are also enclosed.
115. An exercise in black humour set in an enclosed and hopeless world, the film ends with him remaining behind bars.
116. Any point in the hexagon enclosed by these vectors is consistent with factor price equalization.
117. Only enclose the official entry coupon; no other correspondence should be enclosed in the envelope.
118. They think that it was an enclosed place, a cupboard, or under floorboards.
119. I was astonished at the smallness of the area which these enclosed.
120. One of the hydraulic stand pipes, seen before being enclosed in a cabin.
More similar words: close down, disclosed, closed primary, close, closet, closer, close up, close in, closest, closely, close off, close to, disclose, be close to, closeness, close shave, close at hand, supply closet, a close shave, close quarters, loincloth, lose, lose out, foreclosure, lose face, enclave, lose heart, composed, supposed, opposed.