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Enclosed in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+19Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: close downdisclosedclosed primarycloseclosetcloserclose upclose inMeaning: [-zd]  adj. closed in or surrounded or included within. 
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121. The interior was certainly unusual with its enclosed pews, low barrel ceiling, and tiny altar.
122. The arched door, bearing the same lion and shield as Nicolo's plane, opened on to an enclosed atrium.
123. Jambia will probably spend from six to nine months in the enclosed display area before being turned out to a larger area.
124. I now invite you to complete the enclosed form detailing your sports events for the second half of the year.
125. Other people follow suit and surge out into the space enclosed by the crowd.
126. The more expensive type of interior-sprung mattress has pocketed springs, where each spring is enclosed in a calico pocket.
127. The lamp was enclosed in a frosted glass globe to diffuse the light.
128. This had been the view of the enclosed Calvinist chapel or Methodist station, hidden away from the high streets of life.
129. Fragrance is particularly important in a walled or enclosed garden and both the lilies and the philadelphus will provide scent.
130. Could we produce to our normal high standards as many copies as possible of the enclosed 5 Naira banknote?
131. A few small jhumpas were enclosed by a low wall.
132. When a quotation is followed by an attributive phrase, the comma is enclosed within the quotation marks.
133. Shrimp farmers dig canals to bring salt water to enclosed areas where shrimps are cultured.
134. Registration costs £5 and a form is enclosed with this month's issue of Outdoor Action.
135. Frequently,( the latter have funnel-shaped access ways on to them and former forest from the enclosed areas around.
136. Enclosed in plastic casing of muddy beige, it was slightly bigger than a shoebox on end, about fourteen inches high.
137. He disappeared between two tottering wooden buildings and was enclosed by lines of faded laundry.
138. Take a look at pages 8 and 9 of the enclosed magazine for further details of the Ferguson 51P7 and 14M1.
139. Please find enclosed a cheque for £12 annual subscription for an organisation.
140. If this affects you, the enclosed Renewal Notice takes account of the new rates.
141. Deliberately - very deliberately - he had enclosed no stamped addressed envelope.
142. The organ most at risk is the brain, being enclosed within a rigid bony shell.
143. All three sections are enclosed within an external skeleton made, primarily, of chitin.
144. The weatherboarded top was originally supported by the timber trestle, which has since been enclosed within a brick roundhouse.
145. Please acknowledge receipt of this document by signing and returning the enclosed form.
146. If you agree to the above terms(, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to us.
147. The inner Zones 1 and 2 are enclosed by a 19-mile perimeter fence.
148. He enclosed a number of copies of testimonials and requested one from his illustrious patron.
149. Keep your paragraphs short and sweet: I have enclosed a brochure about our winter retreat.
150. We have given the matter careful thought and prepared a response, a copy of which is enclosed.
More similar words: close downdisclosedclosed primarycloseclosetcloserclose upclose inclosestcloselyclose offclose todisclosebe close toclosenessclose shaveclose at handsupply closeta close shaveclose quartersloinclothloselose outforeclosurelose faceenclavelose heartcomposedsupposedopposed
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