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Enclosed in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+19Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: close downdisclosedclosed primarycloseclosetcloserclose upclose inMeaning: [-zd]  adj. closed in or surrounded or included within. 
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61. Enclosed in stone, I breathe through stone like skin.
62. Most of them enclosed letters to be forwarded to her.
63. In order to promote general awareness of Sport 2000 we have also prepared a promotional leaflet, a copy of which is enclosed.
64. There they are enclosed in a cyst by host reaction, and complete their development.
65. The whole coaxial arrangement is enclosed within an outer protective insulating jacket.
66. Notice the back-to-back houses, the tunnel entrances to the completely enclosed court, and the primitive sanitation.
67. The current rate of interest is shown on the enclosed table.
68. Most astronomers are enclosed in observing cages or in control rooms for most of the time they are observing.
69. The cumulus cells will disperse gradually to release the enclosed eggs over the next 2-4 min.
70. She is so cool and indifferent, so enclosed and private - when she's not openly defiant, that is.
71. The glen is deeply enclosed by lofty mountain ranges, each side formed of a succession of peaks linked by ridges.
72. His hand-written letter was enclosed in an envelope which in turn was enclosed in three others of increasing size and strength.
73. A broken-down wall at the back enclosed a small, dusty graveyard,( with a scattering of dingy-looking graves.
74. The day following the incident on the stairs, Mitford was enclosed by a thick blanket of fog and rain.
75. And there's a letter which enclosed a gift of 6 salmon flies.
76. All told, the buildings will total 2. 6 million square feet of enclosed space.
77. Very thin rods of glass are enclosed in a tube.
78. A pre-registration form for the conference is enclosed with this issue of Action.
79. Please find enclosed a copy of the Home-School agreement and the emergency contact form.
80. A copy of the formal decision notice is enclosed for your information.
81. When harvested correctly, the seed will be enclosed in a jelly-like material and this should be sown intact.
82. I have also enclosed one of last year's cards from a painting by David Bellamy.
83. Yet Laura failed to conquer fully her fear of water or enclosed places and was never able to use underground trains.
84. The effect, enhanced in buildings and enclosed spaces, can be up to 16 times more destructive than conventional high explosives.
85. Just complete the enclosed Multipoint Application Form and place it in the envelope, together with a cheque for a minimum of £1.
86. One involves focus groups, where a representative customer is selected and asked to perform a task by following the enclosed directions.
87. Maybe that's because of the very close physical contact of fairly scantily-dressed men and women in an enclosed space.
88. The fish live in a shallow tropical lagoon, which is enclosed by a coral reef.
89. A hare squats amongst foliage, in a scene which is enclosed by a roundel supported by two conventionally interlaced guilloche squares.
90. Feel safely enclosed within your sphere of light. 11. Open your eyes.
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