Similar words: efficient, sufficient, efficacy, official, science, officially, officious, scientific. Meaning: [ɪ'fɪʃənsɪ] n. 1. the ratio of the output to the input of any system 2. skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort.
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(31) She acted with speed and efficiency.
(32) We were asked to suggest ideas for improving efficiency.
(33) High profits do not necessarily imply efficiency.
(34) This design offers considerable savings in fuel efficiency.
(35) There is still scope for efficiency gains .
(36) Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency.
(37) Houses are graded from nought to ten for energy efficiency.
(38) It was Mann who structured the agenda for maximum efficiency.
(39) Reactionary forces/elements in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency..
(40) If we forge ahead continuously without a break, we'll be able to raise efficiency.
(41) Because of the engine's efficiency the car has very low running costs .
(42) There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.
(43) The £400 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources.
(44) Managers are studying what needs to be done to improve efficiency.
(45) These were the economics not of efficiency but of attrition.
(46) We can make big savings on fuel through greater efficiency.
(47) New work practices were introduced in the interests of efficiency.
(48) You are in no position to preach to me about efficiency!
(49) By computerizing we could, at a /in one stroke, improve efficiency and reduce costs.
(50) The director dusted his staff down about the drop in their efficiency.
(50) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(51) What is so impressive about their society is the efficiency of the public services.
(52) The innovation increases efficiency and saves electricity into the bargain.
(53) It didn't say much for their efficiency that the order arrived a week late.
(54) They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run.
(55) Ships from eight navies will be taking part in an exercise in the Pacific to improve their efficiency in combat.
(56) The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the seventies.
(57) Scientists can also play a role in improving energy efficiency in their laboratories.
(58) The spa is the last word in luxury and efficiency.
(59) There has been a change in government policy towards energy efficiency.
(60) We need to look very carefully at ways of improving our efficiency.
More similar words: efficient, sufficient, efficacy, official, science, officially, officious, scientific, office, agency, officer, ancient, tendency, frequency, currency, scientist, emergency, head office, difficult, presidency, deficit, artificial, experience, experienced, convenience, effort, effect, facies, society, species.