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Doubled in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+22Posted:2017-06-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: double-deckerdouble-dealingdoubledoublesdouble upredoubledouble bedat the doubleMeaning: ['dʌbl]  adj. twice as great or many. 
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121. However, hospital admissions for asthma attacks, mostly among children, doubled during the 1980s.
122. It will mean a significant boost for Strathcarron and for the Tufting Department - their efforts will have doubled the effect.
123. Most of the gain was from trading revenue, which more than doubled to $ 369 million from $ 153 million.
124. By the year 2010 it is expect to have doubled from the 1960 level.
125. Then they would sell them to posses from a garage on Bruckner Boulevard that doubled as a muffler repair shop.
126. In a crisis it could have doubled as a draught excluder or, if the pub got rough, as a cosh.
127. The numbers of men, women and children covered by home care with 24 hour on call has doubled in a year.
128. On Capitol Hill the number of policemen on active duty was doubled.
129. Ralph doubled up his blankets and put them at the foot of the bed.
130. Margins and jobs are still shrinking in many industries and corporate debt has doubled in the last five years.
131. Those in mint condition have doubled in value over the last two years to around £50.
132. In 1992, attendance doubled again to 3,000, and has since averaged about 4,500.
133. The bass may however, always be doubled at the octave below if desired.
134. None the less,[sentence dictionary] annual employee complaints filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have doubled.
135. If, however, you doubled secondary female education, you reduced infant death by an enormous 64 percent.
136. Allow the dough to rise in a warm place for about 1 hour, until it has roughly doubled in size.
137. I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. G. K. Chesterton 
138. There came a time when he doubled back after the others had gone on the trail taking their cyan hardness with them.
139. Doubled up he drew his knife, eyes behind the vizor desperately searching the inky blackness.
140. The Sun switched back to the Tories in 1979, and the circulation gap doubled.
141. Was this a result of pollution and increased testicular cancer(, which has doubled in the past 20 years?
142. Quarterly losses at Freeserve, Britain's biggest internet service provider, doubled to nearly $ 27m.
143. Its return on capital has more than doubled since 1980, and investment in capital equipment in this country has revived somewhat.
144. The number of female bank managers doubled from 104 to 208.
145. In Mr. Harper's case, less than two years ago, his rent was doubled from £12,000 to £24,000.
146. We will protect people against crime Crime in Britain has more than doubled since 1979.
147. Mutual fund assets more than doubled in size between 1991 and 1993.
148. Soon InterCity were claiming that sales had doubled to 5 million a year.
149. Columns of cast iron doubled as drainpipes and supports for the ceiling, which had domed skylights.
150. Twenty years later the number of primaries doubled to thirty-two, electing 71 percent of the convention delegates.
More similar words: double-deckerdouble-dealingdoubledoublesdouble upredoubledouble bedat the doubledouble roomdouble backon the doubletroubleddouble helixdouble checkdouble-headeruntroubleddouble croppingdouble jeopardydouble entendredouble insurancedoublydoubloondoublingroubletroublein troubleredoubtableask for troubletroublesomeget into trouble
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