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Doubling in a sentence

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Sentence count:182+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: troublingdouble-dealingdouble croppingdoublydoubledouble updoubloondouble backMeaning: ['dʌblɪŋ]  n. 1. increase by a factor of two 2. raising the stakes in a card game by a factor of 2. 
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1. He was doubling for America and Russia.
2. The beer industry had absorbed a doubling of federal tax in 1991.
3. You've then got an evens chance of doubling your money at a stroke.
4. By doubling its price, the industry sowed the seeds of its own destruction.
5. He is doubling the parts of a preacher and a teacher.
6. The carbon tax might well lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.
7. When we came in we saw her doubling up on the sofa.
8. The punch hit him in the stomach, doubling him over.
9. Much doubling, therefore, is necessary in the tutti.
10. In the full orchestra such doubling is frequently a necessity owing to the tremendous swamping-power of the heavy brass.
11. However, today such doubling is seldom used, for several reasons.
12. Adding to the energy level is Colin McCormack doubling at deceptive speed as two mistaken characters.
13. But I tell you that it is a doubling in the energy of each individual photon-each particle of light-that is emitted.
14. The new push is reflected in the doubling of budget requests-to $ 254m-to combat Aids overseas.
15. The company is doubling its sponsorship deal for the Henley rowers.
16. Carrefour faltered, doubling over as the bullet caught him just below the sternum.
17. Harry Potter continues to spin his magic, doubling publisher Bloomsbury's profits to $ 8m.
18. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that doubling productivity will improve profits.
19. The firm cocked a snook at the recession by doubling its workforce.
20. In the play,[] Mary is playing the part of the dancer and doubling as the mother.
21. Why is he withholding our money when, although the structural funds are doubling, we are likely to receive less?
22. With this aspect behind it, applications shot up, nearly doubling the number of EMs in the program.
23. He also discovered over 20 with painted walls, thus doubling the known heritage of Etruscan painted tombs at a stroke.
24. Many of the smaller gaols formed the rear of public houses with the publican doubling his duties with that of gaoler.
25. They still carried the ball, but the electors moved from being spectators to doubling as occasional umpires as well.
26. A list of thirty measures ranging from recycling resources to doubling overseas aid were proposed.
27. Initially, the newly nationalized school system expanded very rapidly, with enrolments doubling in the course of a few years.
28. Cells multiply by dividing and this usually requires cell growth, the cells doubling in size before dividing in two.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. Much of the new demand will come from a doubling in the amount of gas consumed by electricity generators.
30. Making matters worse, the volume of Usenet data has been doubling every 10 months.
More similar words: troublingdouble-dealingdouble croppingdoublydoubledouble updoubloondouble backdouble-headerdouble entendredouble jeopardysiblingrumblinggamblingwobblinghumblingramblinggrumblingtremblingdissemblingdoubtno doubttroubledoubtfultroubledin troublewithout doubtundoubtedlytroublesomepublic
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