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Digitally in a sentence

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Sentence count:71Posted:2017-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: digitaldigital clockprestidigitationdigitdigitisationvitallydig inprodigiousMeaning: adv. 1. by means of the fingers 2. in terms of integers. 
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31 The 1-wire net is a low-cost bus based on a PC or microcontroller communicating digitally over twisted-pair cable with 1-wire components.
32 In a caustics experimental system, high-quality whole-field caustics images are digitally recorded.
33 Even though our industry may be digitally driven, ideas are still best developed in analog form.
34 Plus, since the capability is defined digitally in software and signal processing is handled by a programmable computer, AMF JTRS can interface with legacy radios, waveforms and systems.
35 This digitally fused panorama was captured earlier this month from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, and includes the Pleiades open cluster of stars just to the upper right of the Moon.
36 TELECINE ( TC ) A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels.
37 The proper orthogonal decomposition(POD)-based spectral representation method is used to digitally simulate wind fields around bridges with wind passage effects.
38 So whose idea was it to reproduce music digitally on a CD?
39 Conclusion The new measuring point and indexes can digitally describe the malar bone structure and its relationship with other facial bony structure.
40 The Certificate that was used to digitally sign this message is invalid.
41 Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally.
42 This digitally signed e - mail cannot be opened in a UI - less mode.
43 The vertical pendulum tiltmeter in Karamay seismic station was transformed digitally with EDAS-3 16 digit data acquisition unit and MDS-2710 data radio.
44 Share resources from high - quality learning website and promote the digitally cooperation.
45 In the latest ones [mya], though, masks are no longer used, but some of those who are interviewed do have their faces digitally blurred.
46 CD - I(or Compact Disc-Interactive)is a data storage system using a compact disc on which text, sound,[] and picture information is digitally encoded.
47 Season One was the only season of the show to use traditional cel-animation. In season two they started to ink, paint and edit it digitally.
48 Warn me about errors in digitally signed e - mail before message opens.
49 A set of endorsed claims is usually represented as a security token that is digitally signed or cryptographically protected by the authority.
50 A digitally controlled CMOS variable gain amplifier base on R 2R ladder resistance network is introduced.
51 Any small changes in the two shots were fixed digitally in post - production.
52 Application may be submitted bye - form and must be digitally signed.
53 THX ASA creates the studio sound field in your home by digitally reconfiguring the surround channels.
54 It transforms the digitally modulated signal from short words occurring at high sampling rate to longer words at Nyquist rate.
55 Since SWT needs to operate outside the default sandbox to load a system library,[] all JAR files deployed with Java Web Start must be digitally signed.
56 CD-I(or compact disc- interactive)is a data storage system using a compact disc on which text, sound, and picture information is digitally encoded.
57 From double-exposed Victorian spirit images to modern digitally retouched files, photographs occupy a strange liminal space between truth and fiction.
58 Reduced film storage costs because images can be stored digitally.
59 The etching mechanism of the microplasma reactor for Scanning Plasma Etching is digitally simulated with a two dimensional fluid model.
60 For the Special Extended Edition, the scene in which Pippin is looking for Merry after the battle on Pelennor Fields was digitally altered so that it appears to be night instead of day.
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