Similar words: digital, digital clock, prestidigitation, digit, digitisation, vitally, dig in, prodigious. Meaning: adv. 1. by means of the fingers 2. in terms of integers.
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1 All the tracks have been digitally remastered from the original tapes.
2 The soundtrack of 'The Godfather' has been digitally remastered and transformed from mono to stereo.
3 Sound and pictures can be stored digitally, as on a CD.
4 This displays the fault digitally on the control panel.
5 It features 211 digitally remastered songs by 63 artists.
6 The album includes ten digitally remastered songs.
7 Commercial stations are required to begin broadcasting digitally May 1, 2002.
8 A major barrier between human beings and digitally stored information had been lifted.
9 The first compact discs carried digitally encoded high fidelity music.
10 The best one is a digitally produced effect using a digital delay line having at least 16-bit resolution.
11 Many of today's medical images are processed digitally.
12 Digitally controlled programmable gain and isolation amplifier is discussed.
13 Optical image: Image formed digitally on a video screen.
14 Signs the message digitally to send the message securely.
15 Seismic signals are stored digitally in binary code.
16 With the development and application of the digitally controlled potentiometers (DCP) recently,[] it is possible to realizing the optimizing design of the programmable instrumentation amplifier.
17 This form is used to send digitally signed notes to other people.
18 The construction and function characteristics of core digitally controllable variable resistors AD5242 are elucidated.
19 Towards the middle of the above digitally stretched picture is the North Celestial Pole (NCP), easily identified as the point in the sky at the center of all the star trail arcs.
20 The problem of moving home would be solved by broadcasting a digitally signed message to the chips.
21 A fractal description originally developed by mathematician Michael Barnsley, has been adapted to digitally sampled audio.
22 The variation of voltage gain of the PGA can be realized by switched resistor-network,[] which is digitally controlled.
23 Another new motion capture technique used on Avatar is Facial Performance Replacement (FPR), which allowed Cameron to digitally rework an actor's facial movement.
24 The tester , with high sampling frequency , analyses the damped oscillation which is obtained and digitally calculates the RMS value from the oscillation (ST) of each bar .
25 Application may be submitted on line and must be digitally signed.
26 This document cannot be modified because it has been digitally signed.
27 The tibial specimen and the related prothesis are photographed digitally by the same gratifying rate.
28 Each of the one or more user interface components can be digitally signed using an embedded risk code that indicates the assigned risk level.
29 Launched in 1977, it carried a plaque that not only included engravings, but also was etched with a phonographic recording of music, natural sounds and digitally encoded images, top.
30 In a radar scan converter, the analogue radar video signals must be processed digitally so as to produce composite TV video signals.
More similar words: digital, digital clock, prestidigitation, digit, digitisation, vitally, dig in, prodigious, agitate, agitator, cogitate, agitated, agitation, agitating, excogitate, agitatedly, regurgitate, dignitary, originally, vital, italy, tally, Italian, recital, marital, genital, capital, go it alone, hospital, requital.