Similar words: counterpart, counterpane, counterpoint, run counter to, counterproductive, counter, counter-, counterfeiter. Meaning: n. a return punch (especially by a boxer).
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1. Johnson counter-punched, landing three telling blows.
2. Elliott had stepped away, trying for the counter-punch.
3. If this happens, it will represent a counterpunch to French secularism.
4. It was ebb and flow, up and down, punch and counterpunch that didn't want to end.
5. However, this will leave Bell vulnerable to the play-action pass Dallas likes to throw to counterpunch a cheating strong safety.
6. For years Microsoft took it, he said, without so much as counterpunch.
7. Now come two days to watch, scheme and plan for the counterpunch before Wednesday's Game 2 against the Denver Nuggets.
8. So when late in the afternoon a Prussian army arrived, a decisive counterpunch was delivered that destroyed Napoleon's empire.
More similar words: counterpart, counterpane, counterpoint, run counter to, counterproductive, counter, counter-, counterfeiter, counter to, encounter, counteract, countermand, countervail, countersign, counterfeit, counterclaim, over-the-counter, counterattack, counterbalance, counterexample, countermeasure, countercurrent, counterculture, counterargument, counterclockwise, counterintuitive, counterrevolution, counterinsurgency, countervailing duty, countertransference.