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Cork in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+8Posted:2017-06-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Corkbobbobberbobfloatbottle corkcork upphellemSimilar words: corkscrewforkworkporkforkedat workstorkfork outMeaning: [kɔːk]  n. 1. outer bark of the cork oak; used for stoppers for bottles etc. 2. (botany) outer tissue of bark; a protective layer of dead cells 3. a port city in southern Ireland 4. the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle) 5. a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line. v. 1. close a bottle with a cork 2. stuff with cork. 
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(121) TD-17R Rubber Cork Sheet is a compound of cork and rubber made by using granulated cork and synthetic rubber polymer and their assistants.
(122) Cork Tiles have been around for centuries, and are used both commercially and residentially.
(123) There are two common wine faults with Wine, cork taint and oxidation.
(124) To keep the explorers warm, Nansen insulated his vessel with thick felt, reindeer hair, cork shavings, and tar.
(125) Now Cork is always dry gin and a twist in Jim's fading memory. Bitter lemon.
(126) If you twist the cork,[sentencedict .com] it will come out of the bottle.
(127) On the twenty - sixth, Lord Cork presented his preliminary appreciation.
(128) The cork industry and the wine business are symbiotically linked – which is why it is so extraordinary that there has traditionally been such a gulf between them.
(129) In the 1990 s, I went to take a Amorim in Portugal, the world's pre-eminent cork supplier.
(130) Board, Board , Cork Board, Special size can be made on request.
(131) The cork glass - holder kept the ice from melting and weakening the drink.
(132) Carnegie Premier League teams Dungannon Swifts, Glentoran, Linfield and Portadown were joined by Eircom League sides St. Patricks Athletic, Derry City, Drogheda United and Cork City.
(133) Below microscope we can see cork is by by tens of thousands be just as composition of alveolate dead cell, air was filled inside the cell, formed many a airtight gasbag.
(134) Leave the Algarve through Alentejo, the biggest cork tree region in the world, heading to Setubal, important fishing.
(135) It made a hollow sound, like a cork popping from a bottle.
(136) Cork flooring, bamboo flooring: cork flooring from cork oak tree bark for raw materials after the smash, hot from the processing, is the world's best natural compound one of the wooden floor.
(137) The butler of a gentleman in Co. Cork, a neighbour of the Earl of Orrery, was sent to purchase playing cards.
(138) While in the Dail as Socialist Party TD, Joe Higgins alongside Socialist Party councillors in Dublin and Cork, has continuously fought on the issues that affect young people.
(139) The brill opening filling is one kind of the tool to take out the bottle cork.
(140) See a floor first arenaceous smooth surface is slick, have without grain bosomy protruding, cork grain is pure.
(141) Corked , corky: Fault in wine caused by a contaminated cork.
(142) Intricately knit sweaters from the Aran Islands are sold throughout Ireland, but my favorites were made by a company called Lee Valley, in County Cork.
(143) Sample with the description of impregnated cork sheet put up for test under this test memo in sealed envelop containing a small piece of agglomerated cork sheet .
(144) The faulting layer derived from the cork cells of the isolation was the last defensive structure by which new G. elata could safely live through the winter.
(145) Material Purpose or Function: UZIN LE 44 New is water-based adhesive for linoleum in strips, cork linoleum, as well as for corking .
(146) When it came to IPMP (associated with "green pea" and "earthy" flavours) the level increased by 2-3% for natural cork, but fell by 7% for screw cap and 19% for synthetic cork.
(147) Corks are made from the bark of the cork oak. Their job is to preserve the qualities of the bottle's contents for as long as possible.
(148) Cork mold spray solutions have a tendency to deteriorate or ferment.
(149) Piani was taking the wooden cork out of a big wicker - covered wine jug.
(150) And then I’d walk into somewhere like the Blackwater Tavern, along the back roads of Kerry, just as the all-Ireland football finals between Cork and Down were beginning.
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